Thursday, January 04, 2007


I had no replies to my post about the invitation I declined for New Year's Eve. This is one of the things that can make you feel an absolute nitwit as a blogger - when you ask a question and no one responds! I'm assuming that the post was just too long for the season. I have, however, received some comments here, where I was probably more succinct. Take a look if you're interested.


Liz Hinds said...

I definitely replied! However I did think it was taking a long time to get on so it must have got lost in the ether.

My reply was that I thought it was a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve, and I wished you and Simi a very happy 2007 from me and Harvs!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Liz. Sorry your comment got lost. Thanks for your good wishes - yes, Simi and I had a lovely NYE in the end. I'm sure I've already wished you, Harvs and the family a great 2007 but here's to you all again, from Simi and me.


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