Monday, January 29, 2007


I began the day in a grumpy frame of mind, the ascensorista having arrived to check the lift at 8am., which is the crack of dawn to me, and, as ever, I was the only one in to open up for him and sign his form. My mood was not improved by the fact that I felt like browsing in the shops and maybe buying a new top or an ornament or something, then remembered that on Monday mornings only food stores, stationers and florists are open. [Will I ever get my head around that?]

But then I went for a walk with Simi in the sun, read some of A Young Conservative's excellent and effervescent prose, plus a touching post of James's from yesterday which reminded me how lucky one is just to be alive. So by the time I set out for one of the larger supermarkets I was fine. Here are some of the sights and thoughts that gladdened my heart along the way:

1. Brightly coloured flowers like these displayed in containers along the pavements.
2. An almond tree in blossom by a dry-stone wall.
3. A cheerful and inviting fruit lorry like this one, from which I can buy a kilo of mandarins plus 1.5 kilos of bananas for under 2 euros.
4. How enticing was the aroma of bread and arancine cooking as I turned a corner and neared a panificio.
5. How kindly everyone greeted me and asked after Simi.
6. It was January 29th and warm enough to sit on a café terrace.
7. How delightful it is to be in Sicily, Italy on such a glorious day.


James Higham said...

Wonderful photos bring it right home to you.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh lucky you!

Anonymous said...

and that's the stuff that makes life worth living! :-)

Lee said...

It's amazing how the simple things in life can suddenly change one's mood from dark to sunny.

Anonymous said...

We all get the Monday blues, Blogpower is there for those days, it's great that it helped cheer you up. And Simi is always there for you too.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Buona sera, James. Grazie!
Thanks, Liz. - I do appreciate my surroundings, despite my grumpy moments!
Gary, it does indeed!
Lee. you are right. Sometimes it only takes a simple, natural sight to uplift the soul.

Ellee, Blogpower has done wonders for me . And I thank god for Simi every hour of every day.

Anonymous said...

Nice shots and nice weather. What more could a person want.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Not much, Steve, not much....


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