Monday, January 22, 2007


Today is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year for Britons and many of us can't even be bothered to get up and go to work on January 22nd., according to a Cardiff doctor. I doubt the truth of this as I should have thought a more likely time for "singing the blues" would be immediately after Christmas. Anyway, dear compatriots, if you are thus affected by the grey skies over there and are contemplating a move to the sun,do bear in mind that you couldn't get away with taking the day off in Italy; as soon as you call in sick, the medico fiscale is sent round to check that you really are!
Thanks to Heather Yaxley for reminding me of this date; she has an interesting take on it here.


Anonymous said...

Funny you should talk about taking sick days......i just had a nice letter from my work to say thank you.....for not taking a sick day in 6 month....

Ballpoint Wren said...

That sounds like a horoscope!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Sally. Well done, you, and well done, your company, for appreciating you. That is so good to hear.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Bonnie, I suppose it does!

Anonymous said...

Pete and I have both been very low today - did not read your post until 23.20. He's in bed sleeping, bless him. Let's hope for better things tomorrow.

Lee said...

I never took sick days. Always thinking there would come a day when I would need them for real. I fired a lass once for taking unnecessary sick days. I could almost set my watch by her sick days. Then, stupidly, one time she had a sickie and attended the grand opening of a new shopping centre in Brisbane. The television crews were there...and, of course, she was captured. She had no excuse to give. The girl's mother rang me to abuse me but I told her, the mother, she really was to blame as she was aiding and abetting her child in lies and her careless disregard for her workplace and workmates. That shut the mother up! ;)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Shirl, I'm so sorry. I wish I could be there to support you. I am thinking of you both.
Lee, I'm sure I'd have got caught out, just like your ex-employee if I'd tried it!

Anonymous said...

I had a very fine day, with a few challenges too, but can't complain. Hope it was good for you Pat.


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