What a voyage of discovery a trip to the greengrocer's still is! I had never seen this variety of tomato - cuore di bue - before. I am assured that they will make a fine tomato salad. They smell very - well - tomatoey!
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
1 month ago
Love these tomatoes..reminds me of our holiday to Barcelona!!! Oh I can just smell them!!!! and the taste of the salad...how yummy.
Hmmm - jury's out on this one. Report back, all right?
Wow, cool looking tomatoes. The almost look fake. Very nice take on the theme. NOw don't show them to my wife because she'll eat them, she loves tomatoes.
Those are unusual tomatoes! Tell us what they taste like. So many tomatoes are disappointing here.
hope they taste as good as they look.....btw if i eat too many tomatoes i get mouth ulsers.
"They smell very - well - tomatoey!" Well, that's a good thing for a tomato, don't you think?
Wow, they are weird. Ox heart, funny name. They will probably look good sliced with mozzarella intertwined and basil and oil on top. I take it they will ripen a little more.
We have yellow tomatoes here sometimes, no taste however.
Thanks, Anne. Glad it brought back a memory. Hi, James. Yes, I will. Nice to meet you, Jose. Ok, I'll hide them! Liz, they have a good, strong taste! Sally, I suppose that's the acid. Tomato allergies are very common, aren't they? Hello, j cosmo newbery. Yes, I suppose it is rather fortunate! Jmb, yes, they are ripening as I write. I used to like yellow cherry tomatoes in Britain but haven't seen them here.
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