I arrived at Raffaele the hairdresser's this morning to find [a] that there was no sign of the man and [b] that they had no water! The assistants would not dare fare lo shampoo [with tonic stress on the first syllable] without Raffaele's express orders to do so, and, as we all had to wait anyway, the water situation didn't make much difference. After about half an hour the water lorry turned up but then there was some problem with the pressure. Raffaele was still nowhere to be seen and, as it was getting on for 12 and I had many errands to do before the sacred 1pm closure, I could feel all my carefully learned Sicilian pazienza ebbing away and I became more British and tetchy with every passing moment. Just after 12 the great man appeared, the water pressure came back on as if by magic and I sighed with relief as I heard him utter the welcome words, "Fai lo shampoo a Pat" [= "Shampoo Pat now "] .
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
1 month ago
I'm all caught up with you now.
Wonder what Raffaele was up to this morning. Is he the only hairdresser in the salon or are there others? Or were you all sitting around waiting?
Have a great weekend
Lord have mercy on the water delivery man if he doesn't show up. Raffaele also (grin).
jmb, I think he is the one worth waiting for, a good hairdresser is as important as a good doctor, you hang on to them as long as you can. I know he looks after Welshcakes exceedingly well.
Hi, jmb. Yes, it's a mystery what he was doing as his assistants usually know where he is when he pops out! His minions in the salon are not allowed to do much - they can shampoo, apply colour, blow-dry and use the straighteners but they are not allowed to cut. Only Raff does that and even when one of the others starts the blow-dry, he finishes it off. This is quite normal in Ital hairdressing establishments and I understand it's why so many hopeful young Ital hairdressers make for Britain, where the salon owner will train them to cut. Steve, yes indeed! Raff nearly had a revolution on his hands! Ellee, you are right. We all have to wait for him. When he appears, it is like watching a top athlete springing into action! He does, indeed, look after and help me and you always get a kiss and a cuddle from him too!
I agree with Ellee here.
I would have been "spitting chips" too, and not those in your next post! ;)
I might come down to have my hair cut by the great man himself.
Hi, James. You and Ellee are right - he does look after me, but I need "pazienza"! Lee, we think alike! Eurodog, you would enjoy a visit to Raff's, I'm sure!
I loved the story - I understand totally about the need to become patient too - so hard..I have such bad luck with good hairdressers. The latest one I have only just found has already left to go travelling around South America and Australia - now what would be the chance of her ever returning...
My first week in Spain I walked in to the local hairdressers; I realised that the only word , apart from "wash" was "cortar" (to cut) so I came out with the shortest hair I have ever had in my life. Apparently, I also used to continually invite the little (female) receptionist to have dinner with me (the word "to wax "is very similar to "to dine") I quickly learned beauty salon Spanish ...
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