I have my work cut out this afternoon, podding and freezing these fava beans which the kind gentleman who lives opposite has just brought over from his garden in the country. Last week I received a similar batch from Linda's garden, so what a lot of lovely vignarola I'll be making!
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5 weeks ago
Does your neighbour have vines?
I could fancy some of those with some fish I am cooking for dinner this evening.
Eurodog, I must think of a way of tactfully asking him! Hi, Ellee. I'll send some via cyberpost!
Hi welshcakes,
I feel really badly about this since I'm such an italophile (does this word exist, if not what is the correct one?)but I don't like fava beans.
Hi, jmb. Yes, "Italophile "exists. I don't like them on their own but in something, I find them OK. Did you know that some people are terribly allergic to them and that there is a condition called favism?
I've only just come across this post, Welsh so I'm a little late in giving the advice, but I'm going to give it anyway...more of a suggestion, really, than advice...
Pour yourself a long gin and tonic and start podding! ;)
Hi, Lee. I had the g and t when I'd finished but maybe your idea would have been a better one!
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