Bummer of a day. Not well. Then James reminded me it's Friday 13th so maybe that explains some of it. Don't know what to post about, so below is another oldie for you, from a time when I was "Patti dagli occhi blu"[though my eyes are green] to a certain young man from Bergamo. In Italy the number 17 is thought to be unlucky. Is Friday 13th deemed an unlucky day where you are? Do you believe it is personally? If so, do you hide on this day or carry on as normal?
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
2 months ago
I am not superstitious as a rule. But this is one of the few I do cross myself at.
I have not actually sat down and worked it out to see if it pans out, but traditio has it that the date of the Crucifiction was the 13th, hence the evil omen.
It is also traditionally the date of the expulsion from Eden, but obviously, huge doses of salt needed with that one!!
So far its gone reasonably well today though. But you never know, five hours left.
There are no evil or unlucky days, but those that we hold in our minds. No superstitions for me. Everyday is wonderful. Perhaps there is one unlucky day. The day we pass. But then again, it may be lucky for someone else. Have a super Friday the 13th.
I hope you feel better soon
I think we can be lucky or unlucky whatever the date!
Well, born on October 13th - members of Blogpower should be delighted, shouldn't they? :-) ; married on a 13th; son born on a 26th (twice 13): So how could I "believe" the 13 not to be a magic number?! The more when it coincides with a Friday.
Supersticious? Not at all! I said when recently our leprechaun asked for a mug of milk. :)
Ah, should not forget about this: A nice tiny word you found in the magic realm of letters. :)
Hi .... and greetings from Cardiff.
I hope you'll excuse me appearing on your blog out of the blue but I couldn't help noticing the "Welshcakes" tag on "crushed by ingsoc's" blog.
By pure co-incidence I have an ex-girlfriend (still a friend) who lived in Palermo for 7 or 8 years and visits me in Cardiff regularly.
What part of Cardiff do you come from and where did you teach ?
(Note : this isn't the Spanish Inquisition - I'll understand if you don't want to reply).
Dear WCLC,
Crikey, yes Friday 13th. Didn't realize this until I was at my dentist today with recurrent (after 4 years) abscess, there to get hold of antibiotics. Tell you more later ( homeopathy etc!)
P.S. How did you come across the name 'Chris'? Do tell! If you'd care to contact (& I hope you will), you can email me on 'lizzieblog'@hotmail.co.uk
And thanks v. much for lovely comment.
How could I ever give up blogging now that I have met so many smashing individuals? - Like you.
Lizzie x
My work colleagues took it a a good excuse to go drinking. I think that it is intriguing more than scary. Nothing much happened for me.
Friday 13th is classed overall as an unlucky day, I think...but I don't give it much credence. Nothing too bad happened to me yesterday...but then, nothing terribly good happened either! ;)
I'm not superstitious so I don't change my behaviour. However I did stay home today, but as we all know many accidents take place in the home so that doesn't make you any safer.
Hope you are feeling better soon WCLC.
Hope you survived the final 5 hours of it, Crushed! What a calm, pleasant philosophy of life you have, Steve. Thanks, liilyv. I'm OK today. That's a very magical date for you, then, Sean. Yes, nice word, isn't it? M erlin, i'm delighted you have come and commented. Well, I used to live in Grangetown, taught at Howardian, where I was very happy, for 12 years and then, when it was cloesd, in what was then Glan Ely. I left full-time secondary teaching in 1996 and went into adult education, working for Coleg Glan Hafren and the Parade ESOL Centre. What a coincidence that your friend lived in Palermo!
Hi, Lizzie. Sorry you had a horrible time yesterday and hope you feel better now. Chris's blog, "Where does the time go?" [link in sidebar] was the next one I was going to visit so I made a mistake with the name- sorry again. I will email you later. CC, Lee, jmb - glad you all survived! You're right about accidents in the home, jmb. Thanks for your good wishes.
Just in case you're interested I live in Canton very close to Victoria Park (I'm sure you know it) and I'm a product of Cardiff High School (in the good old days when it was on Newport Road and The Parade).
I'm a bit younger than you but it seems likely that our paths might have crossed.
My friend (Gennie-Rose) used to work for Sicilian TV presenting "Your Horoscope Today" amongst other things.
When they found out she was making it all up (!) she moved to Milan before ending up in Shepherds Bush.
Small World.
Interestingly or not, I came in here on the 13th comment you've received. The 17th eh? Today wasn't bad really but the Ides of March are often pretty dire.
Hi again, Merlin. Of course I'm interested! Small world indeed, as I actually taught at Cardiff High - in its Cyncoed incarnation - for a year before I got the head of modern languages job at Howardian. And I know Canton and Victoria Park well - I love Victoria Park for its space and, well, Victorianness - and passed it every day for 6 years on my way to work. Isn't it strange we never met but must have seen each other at some point?
Whether we ever met is debatable of course ; it depends on what your idea of fun is.
Mi dea of fun when I was younger was the New Moon Club and later Clwb Ifor
Bach (which still exists of course).
And - of course - I have Chapter 5 minutes walk away so I spend a fair amount of time there.
Still, my intention isn't to become a nuisance ; I just wanted to call in and say "Hi".
Any time you want to "talk Cardiff" you know where to find me.
Best Wishes from a rainy South Wales,
Hi, James. How strange that you came in on the 13th one! Merlin, you're not a nuisance. It's great to hear from Cardiff! I was thinking we have probably passed each other in the city or something. I used to go to Chapter a lot for the cinema. That's something I miss. Auguri dalla Sicilia.
As long as I'm not being a nuisance I'll pop in from time to time to see how you're getting on.
( I have a "not annoying women on the internet" policy).
Let's hope Monday the 16th is going better for you. I don't recall any unlucky experiences from Friday 13th - yet!!
Merlin, it will always be nice to hear from you and I will continue to visit your witty blog. Thanks, Ellee - yes, a better day today!
Hmmm.. Friday the 13th.. it's an earrie day here... yet I am not sure if I believe in any of it. I think people make the day whatever it becomes our minds I think have much more power than we can imagine. Maybe?
The other day everyone was making such a big deal out it being the 7th day of the 7th month in the 7th year.. 777... um... nothing special happened to me! lol
Oh well..
M, yes, it's probably a case of mind over matter. Just stay ok...
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