Saturday, July 28, 2007


This is my latest liqueur project, ratafià di ananas [pineapple], in case Crushed, among others, was getting worried. This one has a shorter gestation period. The fruit pulp has to sit in the alcohol and some of the sugar, as it is doing now, for 10 days. Then I have to make the syrup from water and the rest of the sugar, add it and leave another 10 days. After that, the mixture can be strained and bottled but the recipe does recommend waiting a few weeks before drinking. The quantity of pure alcohol has been left out of the recipe so I have guessed it. Therefore it will either be all right or everyone will be flat on their backs. Vediamo.


Lee said...

Whoohoo! I reckon this should make some wonderful summer cocktails. Pour some over crushed ice...yummy!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Ciao, Lee. Well, I hope so!

Anonymous said...

Back at the distillery. A woman of many talents.

Joy said...

How much of this have you made? And who gets to try it first? :)

The Goddess In You

lady macleod said...

LOL all right now I want a full report on THAT party.

What a creative person you are, in addition to being a loyal and helpful cyber friend! I shall content myself with being a great audience.

too brilliant, as usual.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thanks, Steve! Nice to meet you, Joy. I reckon it will make about 2.5 litres. Who tries it first? Probably friends who invite me round on the spur of the moment, when I haven't had time to make a dessert to take [as is the tradition here]. Lady M, you are too kind.

Crushed said...

I have this vision of a huge clandestine operation here.
I can visualise turning on the news to hear 'Italian Customs and Excise siezed a convoy of lorries filled with vats of Pineapple Liqueurs bound from Sicily.'

Two month process by the sounds of it. Ready for the Autumn.

James Higham said...

...The quantity of pure alcohol has been left out of the recipe so I have guessed it...


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Crushed. Many women make their own liqueurs here so I think I'm rather small fry for C&E! Yes, ready for the autumn, hopefully. I will be, James!

Anonymous said...

I have been using beetroot for a similar liqueur! I guess we could swap samples?

Anonymous said...

You could ad it to pineapple cake or make ice cream...

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Mutley, we could indeed! And I might well add it to ice cream and / or cake - never thought of that!


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