A notice headed Probabile Sospensione ENEL has been put up next to the lift. On it are the times when we can expect our electricity supply to be cut off should emergency measures [PESSE - Piano di Emergenza per la Sicurezza del Sistema Elettrico] be necessary to avoid a breakdown of the entire system as everyone switches on their air conditioning. In theory this should work well: there are 2 levels of emergency, the whole of Italy has been divided into groups and no group should lose its supply for more than an hour and a half in any one day. The trouble is that the notice by the lift says the entire building belongs to group 11 whilst a similar notice that arrived with my last electricity bill states that I am in group 5. Which is correct? No one else seems to know either. However, you can go to this website, key in your client number and it will tell you whether the emergency measures are in force for the day or not. Why do I doubt the efficacy of this plan?
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
5 weeks ago
Is there an electricity shortage in Sicily? Why?
Hi, Deli. No more than in the rest of Italy! You may well ask, as I do, why a modern country which is hardly poor in natural resources makes such hard work of providing electricity and water, but it does. Most homes have 3kw of electricity, so you have to watch how many appliances you have on at a time and there are limits as to when and for how long you can have your central heating on in winter. We are being told that it's all to save energy but I think it's more to do with inefficiency! To be fair, though, it didn't use to get this hot, even in Sicily, and the system just wasn't built to cope with nearly everyone having an air conditioner - or several.
Well.....just as well you didn't buy the electric processor? Your tomato processing is safe!!!
Things we take for granted...maybe if we all faced real shortages and rationing, we would keep our consumption down. Bills alone are seldom enough to persuade us. I hope the system proves effective but can understand your doubts WL.
would you like to borrow one of my fans? i have the electric and hand held kind in case it all goes bugger up.
Bo! I'd hate to get caught in the lift when there was a power outage!
The way the drought is affecting some areas in south-east Queensland, I expect we will have outages here during next summer, if the dams don't get filled.
Because it is run by the Italians and not the Germans?
To be fair they have brownouts in New York too when everyone turns on their air conditioning.
I just get random power outages here Ms Limoncello... so you can be thankful you have a get a warn....
Hi, marymary. I hadn't thought of that! Hi, shirl. Having limits on how many appliances you can have on at a time does make you think about leaving things on standby, etc. But it can be very irritating. Thanks, Lady M. I rather think I would! I hope the dams get filled over there, Lee. Any chance they will be, do you think? Jmb - yes, or the British. True, it happens elsewhere. It's just when the Italians get planned and organised, you know, that makes you even more worried! Yes, I suppose we do get warnings, Mutley- only not always.
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