It is not easy to remain positive when we imagine the likely outcome of the trial of Burma's pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, but we must, for it is her Buddhist faith and the power of positive thought that have carried her through her ordeal thus far.
"The Lady" as she is often called, has been under house arrest for 14 years and is currently being held in the notorious Insein Prison. She faces a possible prison sentence of 5 years which would conveniently prevent her from being able to take part in her country's 2010 elections. A trial verdict was expected today [31st July] but has now been delayed until 11th August.
We who love freedom can take action now by signing the letter to Président Sarkozy here, for France remains the strongest objector to EU sanctions against Burma. We can also keep ourselves updated regarding the situation via the Burma Campaign UK , the US Campaign for Burma and other campaigns in our various countries.
Aung San Suu Kyi herself has something to say about positive friendship:
"According to the teachings of Buddhism, a good friend ..... does not forsake you in times of want and does not condemn you when you are ruined. With such friends, one can travel the roughest road and not be defeated by hardship. Indeed, the rougher the path, the greater the delight in the company of kalyanamitta, good and noble friends who stand by us in times of adversity."
"The Lady" as she is often called, has been under house arrest for 14 years and is currently being held in the notorious Insein Prison. She faces a possible prison sentence of 5 years which would conveniently prevent her from being able to take part in her country's 2010 elections. A trial verdict was expected today [31st July] but has now been delayed until 11th August.
We who love freedom can take action now by signing the letter to Président Sarkozy here, for France remains the strongest objector to EU sanctions against Burma. We can also keep ourselves updated regarding the situation via the Burma Campaign UK , the US Campaign for Burma and other campaigns in our various countries.
Aung San Suu Kyi herself has something to say about positive friendship:
"According to the teachings of Buddhism, a good friend ..... does not forsake you in times of want and does not condemn you when you are ruined. With such friends, one can travel the roughest road and not be defeated by hardship. Indeed, the rougher the path, the greater the delight in the company of kalyanamitta, good and noble friends who stand by us in times of adversity."
Many thanks for the timely reminder, Welshcakes. Have been looking at various petitions (and signed 'em all so far). I wish we could do more.
Excellent post! Aung San Suu Kyi is one of the most positive people in this crazy world. Her patience and compassion seem to be never ending.
She has been a hero to me for almost 20 years.
Bless the dear Lady!
Well said. Yours and Nick's devotion to "The Lady" are commendable. True friends to her cause.
With all of the things going on in the world, it's easy for the plight of Burma to get lost on the shuffle. It is a topic that is near and dear to my heart.
The French have a vested interest in Burma. Among other industries, a French company is helping the Burmese exploit their oil reserves. So Sarkozy will never agree to any embargo against the Burmese govt. Don't forget we have 2 female US journalists in prison in North Korea, don't forget Laura Ling and Eunna Lee.
I'm here from Jen's linky.
Thank you for this message.
An ideal past for a positivie day Welshcakes.
Aung San Suu Kyi is one of my personal heroes. How the Lady of Burma strikes terror into Than Shwe and his brutal rabble that they imprison her.
One day I hope that the people of Bruma can flush away the junta like the human vermin they are.
it is so important to keep this in the open
thank you!
your first post was beautiful
love your dog
That is a really positive thought, one we could all do with following.
Hi, Phidelm. I wish we could, too, but keeping the pressure up on our own governments and the UN seems the best way at the moment. Thanks, Nick. She's been a heroine for me for about the same length of time. Thank you, Jennifer. Hi, Cherie. Yes, someytimes it just drops out of the news because there are so many other awful things happening. But we will not let her be forgotten.
Hi, Anne. Yes, I agree with you on the French vested interest. We may not be able to influence Sarko but we can possibly influence his voters. I believe that we must keep the pressure up. Thank you for the information about the US journalists - I will follow it through. Hello, Travis. Thanks for visiting. Hi, jams. One of my heroines too. I share your hopes re the junta. Hello Dianne and welcome. It's the least I could do. Thank you for your kind words about the first PD post. Simi is very happy that you love her! Hi, Chwerie. Yes, I think they are very wise words about friendship.
Thanks for sharing this. Excellent. Happy Positive Day, 2009. Aloha
Nice to meet you, Thom and thank you.
What an inspirational woman, courage under pressure xo
Good luck to her and all others in Insane Prison
Kyles and WW: her courage is amazing.
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