Saturday, March 22, 2008


The fava [broad] bean has been available in Sicily for a month now, and that is much too early in this lovely region where the idea that each food has its season is still respected. Some varieties of plum and apple are ripe 10 days earlier than usual, whilst mulberries, cherries and apricots are ready 5 days before they would normally be on sale. Quality, it is feared, is at risk and already, because of climate change, these days the best cherry tomatoes are said to come from the north , rather than the south, of Italy.

Now, some of you will know that I'm a city girl so farming and environmental issues usually leave me cold, but even I can see that the long-term effects of this situation on my beloved Sicily could be devastating.

2008 is expected to be one of the hottest years since records began and it is reported that the winter of 2007 was the warmest since 1800 here.

47% of Italians fear the effects of climate change more than they do an earthquake.


Crushed said...

It's colder here now than it was in December. Very topsy turvy winter, weve had.

I didn't realise the appearance of fruit was timed to the day!

Nunyaa said...

Your descriptions of Sicily make me want to visit, love mulberries even if they do stain your hands when picking ;-)

Ardent said...

Australia also is becoming a much drier continent.

In the State of Victoria, rainfall is getting less nd the summers are getting a lot hotter. So when it does rain, the effect of the rain is of little consequence due to the dryness and the heat.

If we can all see this, why are they continuing to say that Global warming is a fabrication?

Ellee Seymour said...

So are you still having a heatwave in Sicily while it is snowing thick and fast here and we have a white Easter in the UK?

CherryPie said...

Yes the weather here has changed, we don't really have proper seasons any more. Last summer it rained for most of the time...

Gledwood said...

talking bout climate: how hot does it get at hottest in high summer? do you ever get 100F~??

and is it more or less oppressive than hot days in London..??

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Crushed. It seems to be a topsy-turvey winter everywhere! This is a very seasonal place, food-wise. Thanks, nunyaa. I've never picked mulberries! The white ones grow here, too. Hi, Ardent. Interesting to learn about the situation there. I suppose "they" are not admitting it is happening because if they do, they will have to take action! Ciao, Ellee. No, 14 C out today - "cold" by Sicil standards! Keep warm! Ciao, cherrypie. Yes, whole ways of life are under threat. Ciao, Gleds. It goes up to 46 C in summer. It's very oppressive because of the humidity. There are days when you feel you can't do anything - but we survive!

tooth fairy said...

I'm coming to Sicily in two more days and I can't wait! It's very cold today in Kansas City and I can't imagine how warm it is in Sicily. Will a light jacket be enough? I was hoping we'd be able to meet you,Welchcakes, and take you out for pizza (because I have so enjoyed your blog!)but we end the tour in Taormina and I've heard that's quite a ways from Modica.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Tf. Didn't realise you were coming so soon! Taormina is a good 3 -4 hours away from here but here's my email:
You never know! Have a wonderful time here. x


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