Sicilian strawberries are less plump and more elongated than British ones but they do taste delicious. I was presented with this pretty dish of some, topped with ice cream and the freshest red fruit sauce when I asked for "un po' di frutta" at the Altro Posto today.
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
5 weeks ago
Nothing like fresh sweet strawberries!
Un bel po' di frutta. We are eating tasteless strawberries from California, huge but tasteless and not quite ripe. They are improved a bit by a dash of Cointreau thank goodness. Even l'astemia says this is necessary.
I have planted strawberries for the summer in my little allotment...
Looks delicious! What it needs for perfection is a dollop of clotted cream but then here in Cornll we dollop often!
Is Italian ice-cream better than the British too?... is it true "iced cream"..?
Do you remember that EU ruling that Walls and the rest of British ice cream manufactureres managed narrowly to avoid where they'd have had to label their product "iced vegetable fat"... I love that~!!
Strawberries - the taste of summer. I remember the wonderful wild strawberries that grew near my family home when I was growing up. They were so tiny, so red and so delicious. It was always a race to see if we girls would get to the wild strawberries before the boys. We girls usually won :).
Fresh Sicilian Strawberries in March, how delicious...
I love strawberries, and that looks so delicious. What is the icecream like? I'm sure it's not what we get around here!
I'm delighted that Simi's eyes are better. It's wonderful news.
I can almost taste them, it looks delicious :-)
When I was 10-years-old, I started picking strawberries and raspberries to earn pocket money. I think we all probably ate more than we picked, but still...none of the ones we get nowadays taste nearly as good as the ones we picked back then. Probably all the chemicals and junk that the farmers use. Those you had look extremely scrumptious! yummy!
Hi, pink. Agree! Jmb - vero. Oh, I think a dash of Cointreau improves everything! And excellent I'm sure they will be, Mutley. Hi, kissa. Happy dolloping! Ciao, Gleds. Oh, there is no comparison! Yes, I do remember that ruling and it gave me a good laugh too. Ciao, flutterby. The kind of strawberries you describe are just delious. Glad the girls won! Hi, Anne. You must come over and taste them again. Hi, dragonstar. The ice cream just has to be tasted! Simi is delighted to have a new auntie and thanks you for caring about her! xx wags
Ciao, cherrypie. Delicious it is! Hi, Leslie. What a lovely tale. Yes, those I had tasted natural and lovely. x
mmmm...delicious, how lovely xo
These look scrumptious, aw I'll have to go buy some now.
I am cooking rhubarb lasagna for our pudding tomorrow, though I think this dish would be popular too.
I could do with a nice recipe for canteloupe melon for our starters, if you have any ideas, perhaps you could email it.
Kyles and Nunyaa, so glad you both like the look of it. Ciao again, Ellee. I remember you telling me about that recipe and I'm sure it will be fabulous. I'll email you in a minute.
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