It's Friday and time for my friend mountaingirl's Photo Challenge. This week's theme is "fence".
This is the Altro Posto's fence, alongside which I have sat many times, sipping a drink or enjoying lunch in the sun:
This is the Altro Posto's fence, alongside which I have sat many times, sipping a drink or enjoying lunch in the sun:
As I've mentioned before, I live in a narrow but busy street in which there are no parking spaces for those wishing to use the nearby post office. This "fence" was put up to stop drivers making the street even more difficult to access by parking right up against the wall here. So what do they do? Park right next to the barrier, of course!
Finally, here is part of what was my garden fence in the UK. Nothing in Britain causes more problems between neighbours than a fence! People argue about where the boundary is, whose responsibility it is to put up and maintain a fence on it and what type of fence they should have. Then, when it's up, there are numerous disputes about whose job it is to replace it if it falls down, who is going to pay for any repairs and even about the smell if one neighbour decides to paint their side!
By the way, piglet Claude Cochon came with me to Sicily and now lives happily on the balcony.
A really nice set of shots. An excellent take on the theme. I ,ust give it a go myself
I typically British fence. I am so glad that my boundaries are clear cut and also that it is laid down which fence is which persons responsibility!
I love the simplicity of this idea, making one concentrate on the everyday things so often overlooked. And we get some choice pix, too!
A neighbour's escapologist hens used to try and tunnel under my garden fence (a structure cunningly concealed by foliage on both sides); me and the cat were ready for 'em, tho'!
Glad Claude le Cochon is with you.
... a narrow but busy street...
so you live in the funky "old town" then ..?!..?
PS: KOALAS at mine this afternoon!
Thanks, jams. You should join us. Hi, Cherie. Some people will even argue when it's all set out in law! Hi, Phidelm. Yes, it does make you think about thinga you see every day. Love your story about the hens. Claude says "bonsoir". Hi, Gleds. No, in a modern district. No one thought the post office would move into this street when it was planned, I guess.
Will come and have a look now, Gleds.
I love the idea of the metal things to deter the Italians parking which just drives them farther into the street. Parking and the Italians!
Hi, jmb. Typical, isn't it?!
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