Thursday, November 10, 2011


It's always a pleasure to have lunch with Rosa and her family and today her delightful one-year-old grandson, for whom everything and everyone is "Brmmm!" made that the most sensible comment I've heard all week on the unfolding political drama in Italy.

To commence the feast there was pasta with Rosa's special Italo-Albanian ragù

followed by chicken escalopes:

There were focacce too

and Rosa's daughter had baked this scrumptious honey and apple cake :

There is always a tray of pastries in Sicily

and I especially liked the ones that came in their own little almond paste spoons:

Grazie, Rosa.  Brmmm!


Julie Goucher said...

Looks delicious!

Rosaria Williams said...

Always a feast when you dine at Rosa's. Lucky you!

Claude said...

Just back from reading your post about Rosa's cleaning performance. Now, looking at the scrumptious food she serves, I would be nearly ready, in my old age, to move not too far from Rosa...if only I could persuade my two adult sons, and family, to follow me.

You write such delightful posts! You bring us Sicily's sun and the warmth of its people. Merci de tout coeur!

Whispering Walls said...

Fabulous puddings!

James Higham said...

Seventh heaven.

Gledwood said...

there's nothing like a real ragu! have you ever made it from scratch? don't you have to keep the tomatoes in the oven for about 3 hours to cook them down? does Simi lap it up...?

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thank you, Anglers Rest. Rosa will be pleased. Yes, you are right, Rosaria. Hi, Claude. I'm sure Rosa would be delighted if you were to do that - and so would I! Thank you again for your kindness. Hi, WW. Yes, they were. You'd have enjoyed it, James.

CherryPie said...

It all looks delicious but I like the look of that last pastry the most :-)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Gleds. Yes, I have, many times. Here we make the tomato sauce in huge quantities beforehand. It does take ages but it's worth it. Hi, Cherie. Yes, it's so pretty.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Gleds, I cannot get into your blog - malware warning every time.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Another tasty meal, love Chicken escalopes .. they always know how to dine :-)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Anne. Yes, they do. x


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