Monday, April 06, 2009


It is my pleasure, this evening, to offer you Professore Antonio Lonardo's Ultimo Saluto, published here with his kind permission, as always, along with my translation:


Hai baciato,
con il tuo ultimo respiro,
una lunga traiettoria di luce,
riflessa in preziosi frammenti
di spazi, persone, sentimenti...

Era con te, la luce,
quando, con coraggio,
varcavi i confini
della tua anima ansiosa,
proiettata nel futuro...

Ti accompagnava, fedele,
quando burrasche improvvise
trattenevano il tempo
con ombre paurose,
indice d'inesplorati abissi...

Ti incoraggiava, felice,
quando la trasmettevi,
con la tua vibrante voce,
costante estasi di cuori,
innalzando inni al cielo...

Ti identificava, sicura,
quando, con ostinata fede,
guidavi i flussi del tuo amore
alle spiagge bagnate
di miraggi superati...

S'รจ fermata nei tuoi occhi,
quando l'improvvido freddo
del tempo spezzato
ha rotto l'incanto reale,
icona di forti ricordi.


You kissed,
with your last breath,
a long path of light,
refected in precious fragments
of space, of people, of feelings…

It was with you, the light,
when, bravely,
you crossed the confines
of your anxious heart,
cast into the future…

It went with you, faithfully,
when sudden storms
held back time
with fearful shadows,
sign of unexplored depths…

It encouarged you, happily,
when you echoed it,
with your vibrant voice,
constant raptures of the heart,
rising hymns to heaven…

It knew you, certainly,
when, with unflinching faith,
you led your streams of love
to beaches bathed
in conquered mirages…

It ceased in your eyes,
when the unthinking cold
of severed time
broke the true enchantment
the icon of potent memory.

- From Desiderio di Luce [Modica, 2005].


Gledwood said...

Do you read Umberto Ecco in the original?

& what newspaper do you read, if any? Is it La Stampa?

CherryPie said...

How beautiful :-)

jams o donnell said...

That is beautiful Welshcakes

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Gleds. I have done, yes, but I'm not an Eco fan. Hi, Cherie. Prof Lonardo will be pleased. Hi, jams. Prof Lonardo will be delighted that you like it too.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi again, Gleds. Forgot - I like Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica plus I read the local paper most days.

jmb said...

Wonderful Welshcakes, good work by both of you.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

~I'll thank you on behalf of Prof. Lonardo, jmb.

Nunyaa said...

I love this, touching and beautiful :)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Prof Lonardo will be very happy to know that, nunyaa.


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