Monday, January 22, 2007


I thought you'd all like to join me on my bus ride from Modica Bassa back up to the Sorda district. So here goes!


Anonymous said...

Welshcakes, I don't know why, but I still can't get it to load. I was looking forward to the ride.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Steve. It should work for you now. Thanks for letting me know.

James Higham said...

Pity I can't access youtube on my computer. I'd love to see have seen it.

Anonymous said...

I got it to load successfully. I loved all the background noises, and wondered what your fellow passengers were saying. Maybe you can translate it for us.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, James. Sorry you can't access it.
Ellee, thanks for trying again. Too many conversations going on at once to get them all, I'm afraid, but there's a lot of everyday greeting and asking "Tutto a posto?" = "Everything OK?" and someone has hopes of something, but I can't hear what! I love this cacophony.

Liz Hinds said...

Wonderful, Welshcakes! (Or: Wonderful Welshcakes!)

I am very impressed with your technological skill. And it sounded like a bus ride anywhere with all the chattering and engine noise. Just the view out of the window that made it different. Thank you for that glimpse.

Maria said...

I love this!!! Grazie Bella! I'm practicing my Italian studying hard! Hopefully one day I'll be able to write a full comment in Italian. I just loved the video and the hum of italian voices in the background! Grazie mille! Ciao, M

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Glad you liked it, Liz. As for my technological skills, it's mostly trial and error! With something like a Youtube upload, I sometimes get quite determined and decide that people dafter than me can do it, so there MUST be a way! But of other things, like mucking around with html, I am frightened! For instance, my profile and links in the sidebar have gone right down to the bottom of the page and I don't know how to put them back!
M, ciao, bella! Hai fatto bene di continuare con l'italiano. If you need any help, let me know! So pleased you like the clip.


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