It seems that comments are still going astray, although I thought the problem had been resolved last week. I have tried everything I know how to do on Blogger to try to put it right and I just don't know what is wrong. Please be assured that I have not rejected or deleted any comments. It looks as if I'll have to call the folk from the computer shop in to help. Please don't stop visiting!
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
5 weeks ago
Just testing, testing, testing....
It takes more than blogger to scare me off, Welsh! ;) I just posted another comment in your previous post (second one) so let's see if they go through this time! If you're can't see this while you're reading it, blogger is still playing games with us! ;)
Thank you both for your perseverance and patience. I'm waiting for the computer shop guys now.
Any luck yet? Did you try out the suggestion I emailed you about?
I'm really sorry for you because I know how frustrating it is. I am equally helpless with these problems.
Hi, Ellee. Thank you for your email. I was just about to reply. I wouldn't know how to do what you suggest but I do appreciate it. The computer shop man says it's definitely a blogger problem, not my email security or anything but he's given the computer a check, too. So I'll see what happens this evening.
Blogger has been requiring many comments to be double posted lately. One does the comment and the word verification and then it asks for it again. Now, in your case, as you have comment moderation on, one wouldn't know if it was asking a second time or not. Thus the comment is lost.
Thanks, James. You have convinced me that I must be brave and turn the moderation off.
I think it is just blogger, Welsh and doubt the computer guys can do anything about it....the problems will all eventually settle down....I hope! ;)
Hi - I am still reading, and commenting... thank you for your comments yesterday - they were needed and appreciated - today is a better day.
Best wishes and I do love your blog - your posts are pertinent and insightful - but the food pictures - if only I were a cook..
You're right. Lee. The computer guys confirmed that it's blogger. See you later.
Welshcakes, perhaps if you didn't approve all comments before they are posted. If something comes up you don't like you can always delete it. That is what I do. I've only received a few that I deleted. I also don't use the letter verifications. I don't see a purpose in it. Just makes things a little more difficult.
Hi, Steve. Yes, I switched these controls on when I first started blogging and now I don't know how to turn them off!
Shani, thank you so much. I need all the encouragement I can get!
This may help, but you haven't changed to beta yet, so don't remember if the set up is the same.
Log in to Blogger.
Go to settings. From there go into comments.
In comments where it says Enable comment moderation, make sure no is checked.
Where is says show word verification for comments, make sure no is checked.
That will delete the moderation and the word verification. Good luck
Thank you so much, Steve. I will try it tomorrow as I can't think straight with this toothache.
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