I got taken with this replica of a traditional Sicilian wine cask today, so it now adorns the top of one of my bookcases. The man in the wine merchant's - where you can take your empty mineral water bottle and have it filled with wine from a much larger version of such a cask - says the old people used to pull out the cork in the side and drink straight from the barrel.
Wedding Destinations in Sicily
1 week ago
I've had Greek retsina from the barrel and it is really strong and tasty. If you serve it from a carafe, I'm sure it will not disappoint - wish I could join you for a glass of the Sicilian grape.
good evening
skan from rome here
Ciao, Skan di Roma. Trovo sempre interessante il tuo blog e ci tornerò spesso. Non capisco sempre le immagine ma, provando di capirle, imparo delle cose nuove - e questo è molto importante per me. Grazie.
How funny! It probably tastes best that way.
That's beautiful. I love things like that! ~M
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