Monday, March 02, 2009


I think I can safely say that a good time was had by all at my St David's bash last night. "Once a teacher, always a bloody teacher", as an old flame of mine used to say, so I taught the Sicilians the words of Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau and We'll Keep a Welcome and we had a jolly, somewhat loud sing-song as well.

Here is the "savoury side" of the table:

The "rarebit muffins" on the right didn't rise in the temperamental Italian oven so they became "rarebit cakes". Yes, those are nachos! They may not be Welsh but I like making them, my friends like eating them and I made the dip from soft cheeses similar to Welsh ones. You can just see the Welshcakes in the middle. I made them on my testo romagnolo pan, which is a good substitute for a flat griddle. Linda had found and brought along the daffodils.

Here is the "sweet side":

The "Glamorgan balls" [front, right] ended up over here as there was no room anywhere else. The date bread went down well and Roberta had made the delicious brownies you see on the left. At the back, next to the Mandarinetto cake, there is a plate of sultana-less Welshcakes for those who preferred them.

Everyone insisted I keep my Welsh dragon pinny on for this photo:

And here I am with my famous inflatable daffodil:

Hwyl am nawr.


Betty said...

That spread of food looks delicious. Hmmmm...I wonder what the significance is of the inflatable flower.

Crushed said...

For once the food looks kind of familiar...:)

I wonder if you are the first in your town to celebrate St Davids Day ever?

Rowena said...

Looks like it was a fun and delicious party! And Simi? How did she like the fact that mummy had invited nearly half of the town to her home?

James Higham said...

What must it feel like to be Welsh?

Whispering Walls said...

Bravo WL - that looks fabulous!

lady macleod said...

It looks likes loads of fun! Your blog always makes me hungry - I must go have my oatmeal now :-)

CherryPie said...

That looks a fantastic spread and it sounds like it was a lot of fun!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Betty. The daffodil is the national flower of Wales so inflatable ones are carried at international rugby matches, at festivals and so on. Hi, Crushed. I never thought of that! I think I might be! Ciao, Rowena. Simi loves it when lots of people come - all those new aunties and uncles with heads to sniff! Different from being English, James!

Liz Hinds said...

What a wonderful time you must have had. And I bet everyone enjoyed the fantastic spread.

Sally said...

It all looks great - so glad you all had a good time. Delicious food .......but set my inquisitiveness at rest: what is on the plate behind and between the nachos and the welshcakes?

Anonymous said...

Great spread and great to have friends around to enjoy it, I would of been stressed out with all that preperation and cooking... I love daffodils, in Australia they are associated with the Cancer Council..

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thanks, WW. Hi, Lady M. Will be over to see how you are shortly. We did have fun, Cherie. I think they did, Liz. Hi, Sally. -will have a look at the photo and be back. Hi,A'Jay. I was stressed as teatime approached but I did have Rosa to keep me calm!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi again, Sally. There's a dip that I made with soft cheeses, grated parmesan, lemon juice and seasoning, more nachos and to the right chicken bocconcini wrapped in Parma ham.

sally in norfolk said...

well looks like you had a great time and i expect everyone enjoyed the foos too ... well done to you x

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thanks, Sally. x


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