... or several, in delicious culinary concoctions made by friends, will, it is hoped, keep the doctor away!
With regard to health, I am making progress, though it is slower than I would like [pazienza!] and meanwhile, my wonderful friends here continue to spoil me: at lunchtime Linda appeared bearing British comfort food in the form of a lovely apple crumble, then at teatime my friend Maria Elena arrived with what she described as a "small" torta di mele [apple cake]. I don't think I'm going to remain thin for much longer!
Maria Elena is a well-travelled woman who used to own a little coffee shop near here: I used to go there to buy my weekly supply of Arabic coffee and she would pull out a low bench for me, make a brew of whatever new coffee flavour she had in that week and we would gossip about the world as seen through the shop window, recipes and men of a certain age and their ways.
Family commitments have now taken Maria Elena away from her shop and I miss those chats; but she still finds time to perform kindnesses such as this.
There's absolutely nothing to beat the kindness and affection of good friends.
It is nice that you have so many good friends to look after you :-)
I hope my friends are as kind when I come home after my back surgery. I just bought a huge bag of apples today with apple crumble in mind. MMMMMM....yummy - enjoy yours.
Torta di mele. One of my favourites. Many different recipes however and I make once that is called Dutch Apple Cake but is almost identical to one of these.
Good morning, WL.
Thought I just say hello. I have not commented recently. Hope all is well.
Sorry to hear your not well love... but Mmmm on the apple delights, my gran made the best crumble, I could almost smell it with you post...x
I made apple pie with Bramleys from a friends tree. Really nice. I hope you are feeling better, its great so many people care about you...
I am so sorry that you have been unwell - cyber hugs
Mmm that looks good! I made an apple, plum and banana crumble the other day (using all my left over nearly rotting fruit) which was surprisingly good.
Men of a certain age and their ways.
The attention and affection of good friends is true medicine for the soul! Be patient with yourself...pazienza indeed! :-)
WOw I wonder what a large torta looks like! It's great that you have friends like that Welshcakes
SZorry for the late reply, folks - blame the thunder!
Dragonstar and cherrypie, you are right. My friends are wonderful. Hi, Leslie. I'm sure you have lots of them and that they will be. I did enjoy that crumbke. Hope you did, too. Hi, jmb. My mum used to make that, too - only not as big as this! Hi, eurodog. Nice to see you. Thanks, Abbey. There is something so comforting about crumbkle, isn't there? Hi, Mutley. Ah, Bramleys! I do miss them. Yes, I am touched and amazed by the number of wellwishers and it does help. Thanks, Shani. Hugs to you, too. x Your crumbke sounds wonderful, WW. An endles conversation topic, James! Thanks, Saretta. I'm trying! Hi, j\ms. It is and I don't know what I would do without them.
What good friends you have. Friends whose currency is food are above value!
Totally agree, Liz.
I love apple cake, I must make some for the weekend when David comes home from uni. You are lucky to have such wonderful friends.
Hi, Ellee. You must be looking foirward to David coming home. I'm sure he'll enjoy your apple cake. I am very lucky indeed in my friends everywhere.
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