A more difficult one for you tonight!
As it's the 17th of the month, an unlucky day for superstitious Italians, I'll be kind and give you a clue: it's on the road between Modica and - - - - - - [not too far away].
Answer on tomorrow's post.
A Welshwoman's Life in Sicily
It looks interesting!
I am still not very good at these quizzes ;-)
Monterosso Almo?
You are excell4nt, cherrypie. iao, DR. Closer!
Sorry, I meant "excellent" and "ciao". Methinks I should turn in!
You can always listen to Radio 4 live through the net, but then you will get all of the rubbish that is life here.
It is limestone - that's as far as can go. And I could be wrong about that.
Rrrr - does it start with an R?
Excellfournt piccy too, Welshcakes.
I see that Berlusconi's abolishing the anti-corruption commission to save costs!
I have no idea Welshcakes. That said the motre I visit Sicily Scene the more I want to visit Sicily!
Thanks Welshcakes :-)
I know some 'people' think one shouldn't trawl around mentioning their 'umble' sites Welshcakes, but I really would like you to read my recent post on 'Careless Sigh'.
P.S.I can't answer the question re your quiz!
Chloe sends her purrrs and licks to you and Simi and I send lots of love.
Di. xxx
Hi, Guthrum. Yes, I do listen to R4 on the net sometimes but it's just not the same, somehow. Ciao, Aileni. It probably is. Well done, James!! And thanks. Ciao, WW. You have to hand it to him for nerve! Many thanks, jams. My pleasure, cherrypie. Will be over asap, Trubes. Love to you and everyone, especially Chloe - hugs from Simi xxx
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