Sunday, June 22, 2008


The condominio water supply went off last night, causing me the usual frustration. Now, James and I are good friends but we still kind of creep around each other regarding - err - bathroom needs, so he very chivalrously went out twice this morning to find a bar with a decent loo [these establishments are not as rare as when I first visited Sicily in 1992 but seeking them out still takes some effort].

Anyway, it seems our hero had quite an exciting time, sitting on the terrace with the local pensioners, sipping his cappuccino and taking in the scene. He arrived back with these tasty Sicilian savoury pastries and lemon granita for us both - what a decadent and delightful breakfast!

Meanwhile, I had phoned Mr C.... the water lorry driver, explained that I had rung the office on Friday to order a refill but that we had run out, and he immediately agreed to deliver this afternoon, which he did. If you have never been without running water gushing from your tap when you need it, reader, you cannot imagine what a relief this was!

Now, how to help a man with a bad back: it was dottoressa Simi to James's rescue this afternoon!

Finally, for those of you interested in the election results: after all that, the mayoral vote was too close to call in Modica and there is to be a run-off ballot between left and right here next week!


CherryPie said...

No that is my kind of breakfast :-)

Maria said...

The granita looks absolutely delish! So does the pastry... As for the water ... my prayers are with you...Ive been without water on more than one ocassion and I know it's far from fun....

All the best...hello to James!


Ardent said...

Both look delish.

jmb said...

It's granita time, lucky you. Of course you get the 40 degree weather to go with it.

I read a post the other day on Photo Hunt blog, (theme this week was water) where the people there only get water from the tap between 2pm and 9pm each day. Imagine arranging you life around that every day.

So you get to vote again! Get it right this time Welshcakes.

Leslie: said...

Oh my gosh, I'd HATE to be without water! I actually put my sprinkler on today to give some new plants a good drink in their new home.

Sackerson said...

Welshcakes: this site is in the Technorati Top 100 - does it suggest any ideas?

James Higham said...

Maybe a little less of James - I'm getting tired of him. Let him run his own blog. More food, Welshcakes.


P.S. Why was my word verification "hefto" this time? Have you considered dropping it at all? :)

Nunyaa said...

I hope Ms Simi hasn't given up her chair!

Whispering Walls said...

Run-off battles haven't had good press recently - let's hope yours is more successful

Chervil said...

The photo made me hungry! Water - yes, I know all about that one. We hardly ever think about it until we run out and realise it is the stuff of life.

sally in norfolk said...

I think james needs a nice back massage to ease his back a little :-)

Crushed said...

It usually takes me a while of living with a woman to be comfortable using the loo whilst she's home.

An ex of mine used to leave the door open and talk to me from the bathroom, which I found most disconcerting.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I knew you'd like it, cherrypie! Hi, M. Thanks for the empathy and James appreciates it, too. Thanks, Ardent. Hi, jmb. That water arrangement sounds even worse!! Hi, Leslie. It is awful, even for a few hours, let alone days. Thanks, Sackerson. Just had a look and indeed it does! James, I'll tell James! She certainly hasn't, nunyaa! I'll let you know, WW. Hi, Chervil . I agree - until you are without water you don't think about how essential it is, or about the amount you need. Sally - ummmm.... Hi, Crushed. I understand exactly.

Dragonstar said...

Lovely, lovely food!

Dotoressa Simi? What has the lovely lady been up to?

Very glad you have water again!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, dragonstar. Simi is just practising being a doc!

Ellee Seymour said...

It sounds like James is a local already. I'll be interested to learn more about the elections.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

He's doing very well, Ellee.


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