... of having matching crockery! Indeed, it already looks as if I have some, as today I decided to get out all the "free" espresso cups and saucers that I have acquired, through various food purchases, since I've been here. Look, I even have a set! If you've never been the recipient of wedding presents, dear reader, this can, indeed, seem a miracle.
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
5 weeks ago
All this in a year! You'll have to get a bigger flat as time goes by. If only it were really free, but we all know who is paying for it.
I have occasionally bought some particularly nice items of crockery (in small numbers) then found they are no longer available 12 months later when I have wanted to replace or expand the collection.
Fortunately, neither Karen nor myself are overly obsessed with style and we suspended our houseproud inclinations when we became parents anyway.
As we had two homes on the go when we got married (& both married later in life than our peers), we specifically asked people to NOT invest in newlywed stuff for presents. (I think we had the cheek to just ask for the money!)
That's alot of espresso! Not that I am complaining coffee in any way shape or form is the esscence of my being! :)
Love the red and white or is it clear set!
All the best... M
Now do you miss a refreshing English cuppa tea?
Speaking personally, in my opinion, what you're doing here is what blogging is about.
Hi, jmb. Yes, I will, won't I? [as I am incapable of throwing anything out]! Delicolor, asking for the money seems very sensible to me! Then at least what you get is in your own taste! Hi, M. Yes, I like the red and white cups and saucers best too. I was delighted when the shopkeeper decided I could have 2, not 1! ellee, not really, as I am a cold drink person. But I can get my favourite Earl Grey tea here. James, thank you!
You make me smile, Welsh...you and I have so many things alike! I, like you, have mix-matching, mismatching crockery, coffee mugs and cups! lol
But I like it this way...I like having such a pot-pourri of crockery etc. I'm way past dinner sets. Not long ago I said this to a friend, that I'd rather have a colourful variety of plates, bowls etc. than a fancy dinner set...I buy a lot of my stuff at the local Op Shop here on the mountain...when I see something that tickles my fancy and sensibilities (or nonsensical abilities!), I grab it! I've picked up some great tablecloths and napkins(obviously never used) for next to nothing and believe if they get marked/stained, it does matter. Same goes for when I find plates, glassware etc. I treat it all as "spontaneous" fun stuff...and use it accordingly. My cabin and my way of living and thinking really doesn't suit stiff formality. I've got some great Italian,colourfully-painted clay dinner plates of various designs and they are great for casual lunches...I chop and change what I use all the time.
Boy! This has turned into a long comment...sorry! ;)
Hi, Lee. Don't apologise for long comments! Yep, I'm the same: not much matches here in home-ware and if people don't like it that way, they can just not come! I reckon my food should make up for my shortcomings on the housewifey bit!
Our matching china and silverware went the way of all flesh, thanks to the efforts of our heavy-handed movers and then our kids.
I mean, you've got to teach kids how to do the dishes, but dang, it sure takes a toll on the matching sets.
Ha! Bonnie, you make me smile. Ok, I don't have any kids to blame it on, but I can blame the removal men!
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