Hi, folks. No time to post properly today as I'm having one of my cooking marathons. Now, who knows why? .... I think Liz might be able to guess... Back tomorrow to answer all your comments and with some food pics., hopefully. Buona giornata a tutti.
Wedding Destinations in Sicily 💍
1 month ago
Welshcakes for Welshcakes maybe? That's what I'm doing tomorrow.
Or cawl and bara brith?
Wow, that is what I call a cooking marathon - you must have some delectable company by your side too, other than Simi!
Yes, we know you can't stop it and we're awaiting the result with impatience.
May I be first to wish you a happy St. David's Day/Dydd Dewi Sant? It's already arrived here in Moscow.
Don't go eating all of it by yourself, Welsh! Share some with us1
I reckon cawl for lunch and bara brith for morning tea and anytime thereafter!
Happy St. David's Day to you...It's well under way here, too!
36 hours later - are you still cooking?
I'm glad you're a good distance away from Stromboli, Welsh. A close eye is being kept on its activities. I'm following its events on the news here.
Yes, I reckon Welshcakes from Liz's posting.
Buon lavoro e buon appetito welshcakes - and happy St David's Day, now all over - hopeyou celebrated in style. Haven't checked you out for a couple of days but presume you were waving your leek and daffodil. They're all out here + primroses in the lanes, bella, bella la primavera
Hello and I'm back from the kitchen! Thank you for all the kind comments and your concern about both my absence from the blog and Stromboli. Liz, happy St D Day a bit late and you'll see from my next post what I did. Ellee, just my Simi - who is the best company in the world, for you can have a real conversation with a dog - and later the friends I invited. Ian, James, thanks for stopping by! TP., thank you so much. I had a lovely SDD! Many thanks, Lee, my friend. I have linked to you in the next post. Thank you, Sally. I was figuratively waving my leek and daff! Everybody in the street must have heard the music yesterday, at least!
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