Wednesday, February 14, 2007


For dessert, we had what I think is one of the most refreshing dishes you can find here and that is gel al limone [for which I posted a recipe here, if you are new to this blog]. Then to Linda's for a lovely birthday tea. So, having been lucky enough to have celebrated the day bi-culturally, I am spending the evening pleasantly with my true Valentine - my precious, faithful, beautiful Simi dog.


Anonymous said...

Just here in time...out of breath...couldn't miss your special have exquisite taste in shoes! What a lovely day you've many folk who clearly love you. Who needs a Valentine?

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Shirl, appreciate the dash! Thank you so much. The only Valentine I need is my Simi!

Lee said...

That looks delicious for a dessert, Welsh. I'm having friends over for lunch on Saturday and for dessert I'm making a Panna Cotta with a blueberry coulis. I'll print out your recipe for a later event as it sounds great.

Happy looks like you had a great one! Good for you! :)

Anonymous said...

A lovely end to a lovely day, and on Valentine's too.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Ooh, that sounds a delicious dessert you are planning, Lee. Do let me know how the lunch goes - I'm sure it will be delicious. Thanks again for your good wishes. Yes, I had a great time!

GP said...

Fantastic recipe!

Many happy returns of the day!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thank you, unpremeditated. Much appreciated!

Anonymous said...


What a friend you've become! :-)

Happy Birthday, albeit a bit late...


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thanks, Gary. Good wishes always appreciated!


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