Thursday, April 17, 2014


As a linguist, I'm always emphasising the importance of communicating with the people one is trying to attract to one's business, product or city in their own language and of making an effort to do it properly [which will probably involve employing a qualified, mother-tongue interpreter or translator, not using the awful translator sites]. 

Hats off, then, to Marco Zambuto, Mayor of the lovely city of Agrigento, for this advert in which he says a few words in Chinese himself at the end.  Mr Zambuto has not forgotten to invite the rest of us to "invade" his city as well!

Thanks to Corriere della Sera:


Rosaria Williams said...

Yes, indeed.

Whispering Walls said...

Hen hao!

Lee said...

Well done...consideration and respect shown.

Happy Easter, Pat. :)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Glad you all agree.


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