Thursday, January 18, 2007


I just love the French term, un printemps précoce, for an early spring such as we seem to be enjoying in Modica at the moment. Today we have been blessed with the sort of sunny weather which would have us all virtually stripping off in Britain.

Here are lemon trees and other plants on sale in Modica Bassa this morning. Strawberries are in the shops, accompanied by notices assuring us that they have not been forced.


Anonymous said...

Quand vous prenez une prenez pas les voitures...

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

D'habitude, je ne le fais pas. Je ne l'ai pas coupée, cette fois, parce que j'avais envie d' être honnête - je ne suis pas photographe!

Anonymous said...

What a contrast between here and there! We had snow today! It's the first in a year for central North Carolina, USA. But, as usual, it will be gone tomorrow...nice to look at for a day :-)

(Personally, I'll take lemon trees and fresh strawberries in January!)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Gary. I miss snow - to look at, I mean!

James Higham said...

Either early spring or more like - late autumn. The winter will come.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, James. Yes, the Ital Met Office has warned us today that we are having winter again next week! Today it has been 25 C even up in Parma on the mainland.

Ballpoint Wren said...

It's been awfully cold here, considering how warm we usually are this time of year. We rarely need to run our heater but this winter it's been running every night!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Gosh, I thought it never got cold there, Bonnie!


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