The year which drew to a close yesterday was the one in which it became clear to me that the world has learnt nothing from the tragedies and disasters of the last century. Here, a little late, is my review of it:
Most unexpectedly, falling in love again.
Spending Christmas in Norwich with the
sister I have known for only two years and walking through a bauble in that fair city!
The down side of falling in love - being dumped. It is a much worse experience, I have discovered, than it was when I was young, for there are now so many places to be dumped from, such as social media.
Brexit - even more devastating.
Continuing to hear of needless
migration tragedies as the world looks on and does nothing.
Recipe of the year
Of those I have invented myself,
this is the one I like best.
Chicken with cedri and Prosecco |
Books of the year
The two best books I read in Italian during 2016 were
Pesce d'aprile and
Lacrime di Sale, Dr Pietro Bartolo's account of migrant tragedies as they affect Lampedusa. I'll shortly be reviewing
Lacrime di Sale on
Sicily Scene.
The most interesting book I read in English in 2016 was
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Besides telling a gripping story, the book explained to me a conflict which took place during my lifetime but which I knew next to nothing about.
Film of the year
This is related to my second book choice above. It is
Italian logic prize
This goes to
Rai and the Italian government for
this scheme and their strange definition of the term
rata [installment]. Predictably, after July consumers were required to pay not one "installment" for the TV licence fee but the remaining six in one go!
Hopes for 2017
Once again, I hope the world wakes up to the fact that we are all migrants and I want to see safe corridors for today's migrants and an end to migration tragedies. I want to hear more from the voices of peace and less from those of belligerance.
I wish you all peace, health and love, wherever you are.
Happy New Year and thank you for reading Sicily Scene!
Buon Anno e grazie di aver letto la Sicily Scene!
You can find links to all my migration posts here and to my adoption posts here.