Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I am hopeless with plants - they see me and die - but, like Welsh folk everywhere, I feel honour-bound to obtain some daffodils for St David's Day [coming up on March 1st.]  The carpet of daffodils that is Wales in the spring is something I really miss.

Daffodils are hard to find here but a couple of weeks ago I found a few bulbs, which I have been nurturing on the kitchen table. I was so pleased to discover that one of the plants had actually flowered yesterday! As you see, I am hardly likely to produce "a host" of them but I'm trying, Wales, really!

Paul Child - My Wales


Lee said...

Let's hope your daffodils last at least until 2nd March, Pat! ;)

Whispering Walls said...

None out in my garden yet, only snowdrops.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Yes, I hope so too, Lee! I miss snowdrops too, WW.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Oh, yes, you must have one, Nerys!

Hawkins Family said...

Brava! I have terrible luck with plants as well...I had two little seedlings coming up, but unfortunately the neighbor's kid smashed my pot with his bicycle yesterday. Oh well..

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Oh, what a pity, Hawkins Family!


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