Wednesday, March 09, 2011


As the mass migration from North Africa to the shores of Europe at Lampedusa continues, you may imagine the astonishment of the Italian authorities on Sunday - Monday night when an elegantly dressed, obviously Western woman stepped off one of the boats with her nine-year-old daughter.  Tina Rothkamm [41], a teacher from Dusseldorf, says that, following her divorce from her Tunisian husband, she had tried every legal means to bring her daughter from Tunisia to Germany but each time the two tried to leave Tunisia, they were blocked, although all their papers were in order.

Finally Ms Rothkamm, in desperation, bought passages for herself and her daughter on one of the boats carrying migrants from Tunisia to Lampedusa.  Even her lawyer had told her that there was no other way.  Ms Rothkamm  and her daughter travelled with around 100 North African migrants and she says that they were all very kind during the twenty-hour sea voyage.  The German Embassy in Italy is now helping the pair.

Ms Rothkamm called upon Europeans to show compassion for the migrants, who are only seeking a better life, and in the video clip she says she is now embarking on a new path - that of rediscovering hope in the future.

Ms Rothkamm and her daughter were among 1,005 arrivals on Lampedusa on Sunday - Monday night.  There were 400 new arrivals last night. 

Late note, 10.3.11: The video clip has been removed from youtube.


annechung said...

I'm so happy for her. I hope it plays out well for the other immigrants seeking a better life. I can empathize, I was an economic refugee myself some 26 years ago. I left North Borneo to live in the USA and have done extremely well. Language skill is so important and its a vital tool for assimilation. I hardly speak any other language apart from English. And its OK!Thank you for that story.

James Higham said...

Now that's certainly lateral thinking.

LindyLouMac said...

Brave lady!

Betty said...

I wish her and her daughter well. I hope the refugees continue to get the help they will need.

I enjoyed seeing Etna in your header.

Gledwood said...

Good on 'er!

PS isn't there sposed to be a monster on Lampedusa?... Like a giant worm or something..??

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Anne. Yes, I think she was very courageous - as, indeed, are you. Thank you for sharing your story. Hi, James. Indeed. Hi, LindyLouMac. I think so, too. Hi, Betty. Me, too. I'm glad you like the header. Hi, Gleds. Not that I know of.

Rosaria Williams said...

Such a big tragedy for all these countries trying to fight off their tyrants. I do hope Italy has the willingness and the means to take care of these refugees, as they will need a great deal of support for many years.

Patricia said...

Great story...It is situations like this that continue to remind me that I do not have a clue what life experiences are for other people. Imagine what went through her mind as she dealt with all of this. I am full of admiration. Imagine what the refugees are thinking and feeling as they risk to get to safer shores. Thanks for making us aware.

Rowena said...

Unfortunately the video has been removed from youtube but this has been an interesting story nonetheless. Happy endings don't always happen for those people.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Rosaria. With the best will in the world, I don't see how Italy alone can help everyoner. The EU needs to step in. Hi, Patricia. Yes, she was incredibly courageous. Hi, Rowena. Thanks for alerting me to the fact that the video had been removed. As you say, there is no guarantee of hsppy endings.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I hope that she and her daughter will be safe as well as the other refugees. it is such a serious situation in Tunisia and Libya


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