A proverbs quiz for Friday night and these are all about old age, a subject much on my mind lately. Just match the proverbs 1 - 6 with their meanings a - f:
1. A li vecchi cci màancanu li forzi e ci criscinu li pititti.
2. Cui vecchiu voli campari, a bon'ura voli accuminzari.
3. La vecchia 'un voli jocu, voli pani, vinu e focu.
4. Lu dimoniu sapi assai pirché è vecchio.
5. 'Na vota si gabba la vecchia; appressu vota vi chiuj la porta.
6. Lignu vecchiu megghiu adduma ma cchiù prestu si consuma.
a. The devil knows a lot because he's old.
b. Old wood burns better but turns to ashes quicker.
c. The old have less strength and a bigger appetite.
d. An old lady doesn't want games. She wants bread, wine and a fire.
e. You can only swindle an old lady once; after that she'll close the door in your face.
f. If you want to live into old age you have to get up early.
Highlight below this line for answers:
1c, 2f, 3d, 4a, 5e, 6b.
Wedding Destinations in Sicily
1 week ago
Well I got 0 right.
I have enough trouble with Pavese. My builder and plumber speak in it to each other and then look at me expectantly like I'm supposed to make a choice based on their conversation.
I have enough trouble making choices when they are in Italian let alone dialect.
Hi, Sarah. Thanks for having a go!
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