Friday, May 11, 2012


Two years ago, I revealed my addiction to these lovely, smooth desserts.  Well, now there's a new flavour, mirtillo.  Mirtilli are similar to whortleberries and the product is said to contain Canadian whortleberries or blueberries, which, judging by the flavour, are very nice. [Mirtilli rossi are sometimes translated as "cranberries" but the product does not taste of these.]  "What", I would like to ask those innovative people at Ferrero, "is wrong with Sicilian mirtilli?  And where did the chocolate flavour go?"


J. M. P. said...

I haven't tried these ones, but if the chocolate flavour isn't available anymore, this sounds like a crime!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

A crime it is, Josep!

RNSANE said...

These treats aren't availabe here but one MUST have chocolate.

CherryPie said...

That sounds like a lovely flavour.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Absolutely, Carmen. It's very refreshing, Cherie. Hi, Nerys. Well, it's not even in the biggest supermarkets and it doesn't appear on the website any more, so I imagine so. I'll be interested to know if you can find it in Milan.


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