
Thursday, June 23, 2011


myspace layouts

Women's clothing has always been at its most restrictive during eras when women's rights have been limited so how ironic it is that today, when in the West, at least, we can boast of our emancipation, fashion is at its cruellest:  our great-grandmothers, it is true, had to wear layer upon layer of clothing whatever the weather but they did not have to bare their legs, arms and even their stomachs and, where fuller garments did not completely disguise fuller figures, they had corsetry to do the rest - a secret which their descendants have discovered rather too late.

But every now and then fashion is kind and I for one am clapping the maxi-dress all the way back to the catwalk. Yes, it has taken a year or two for it to catch on again in Italy but this summer it is here to stay and I am sure I am not the only one for whom this is a relief.  There comes a point in a woman's life, you see, when she just does not want to show her legs and when that sad day dawns she finds few elegant alternatives:  she can accept the fact and go the whole hog like mesdames Merkel and Clinton but neither of these smart ladies has to contend with the Sicilian summer.  One could always go and live in Catellammare di Stabia, I suppose, and one can lessen the horrors of leg-baring slightly by using fake tans but the latter are almost as much trouble as moving house.   

So bentornati ai maxi-vestiti, say I:  I loved you in the 1970s and I adore you, for different reasons, now!


  1. Perhaps we'll see a resurgence of light-weight linen boots. These were comfortable to wear as they were usually flat and had a slouch leg. As you may imagine, the pale colours got dirty very quickly but a darker khaki linen was fine for a season.

    They balanced a light flowing dress very well. I can't go for full maxis as I find they tend to trip me up when I go up any stairs, but I've had calf-length dresses I've worn to ribbons because they are comfortable and look reasonably smart, especially with a light-weight jacket.

  2. Now, I don't worry about the heat here, and can comfortably wear a cotton sweater most days. Besides, I live in a hippy hamlet, people happy to wear whatever suits them.

    I do understand the need to fit in among the natives. Italy, though, has always been too sensitive to fashion.

  3. I can't agree with you more. Hurrah!!!

  4. I'm not a fan but see that they are all the rage amongst my friends' daughters!

  5. I have never been a follower of fashion. I choose stylish classics which never date. I have my Mum to thank for teaching me that :-)

  6. Hi, Woman on a Raft. Those boots sound an excellent idea. Hi, Rosaria. People dress up to the nines to take the rubbish down the road here! I'll echo the "hurrah", Carmen! That's interesting to hear, WW. Good for you, Cherie.

  7. PERFECT! Back in the 70s I had several and thought they were smashing, but now the "figure" has disappeared, I must go shopping for a couple more. They are so nice for hot summer days.

  8. Hi, Leslie. Yes, perfect for summer.

  9. I too am thrilled that we've come full circle. Because I am back again in fashion. I always thought I was born in the wrong era. And you are right about Italians dressing to the nines just to take out the garbage. It's TRUE!
