
Saturday, January 08, 2011


A meeting of the "international ladies" - and three gentlemen! - at Linda and Gino's today to celebrate the end of the Christmas season and the New Year.

First of all, I thought you would like to see some crib figurines made by Gino and effectively displayed on a cakestand:

I particularly like the Joseph figure in the baseball cap, don't you?

Everybody took along some goodies [yes, I contributed some of my "Cappuccino cookies"]:

Of course, it wouldn't have been a Sicilian "do" without some delicious pastries from a local pasticceria or a rounding-off-Christmas occasion without some panettone:

At the end there was grapefruit ftrom Gino's garden for everyone to take home:

Grazie, Gino e buon anno a tutti gli amici!


  1. It sounds like you had a fun time :-)

  2. I so wanted a grapefruit today... but could only find them in big packs...

    Gino's look wonderful :-)

  3. Sono i piccoli uomini e donne commestibile?

  4. Friends and food= fun
    Oh what I wouldn't do to have a pasticceria around here.

    Eat a cannoli for me, Pat.

  5. Those grapefruit look gorgeous.

  6. I did, Cherie. They are so sweet, Sally. Ciao, Gleds. Non, non sono commestibili! I agree, Rosaria. That's a good excuse to have another cannolo! And they are, Liz.
