
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A mixed bag tonight and, as usual, all you have to do is match the proverbs 1 - 6 with their meanings a - f.  Answers will magically appear below when you highlight the space indicated!

1.  Tuttu 'u munnu è paisi.

2.  'N' arbiru nun si tàgghia â pprimu cuoppo.

3.  Çiurietti e prirricaturi duoppu Pasqua nun anu sapuri.

4.  Giudicari e 'nniminari, Diu sulu lu pò fari.

5.  Amuri è amaru, ma ricría lu cori.

6.  La scarsizza fa lu prezzu.

a.  Love is bitter but it reassures the heart.

b.  Broccoli and preachers have no taste after Easter [ie., there is a season for everything].

c.  Scarcity fixes the price.

d.  All the world is a village.

e.  A tree isn't felled at the first cut [ie., you must be persistent to achieve a goal].

f.  Only God knows how to judge and predict the future.

Highlight the space below for answers:

1d, 2e, 3b, 4f, 5a, 6c.


  1. That yellow cauliflowery stuff you posted up looks like a fractal!

    What exactly is it?

  2. It's good to hear a few proverbs from time to time!

  3. I can actually understand this dialect, quite similar to the one from my little town. So, here are the answers:

    You must be quite a linguist!

  4. Anonymous7:03 am

    Sorry this isn't a comment. I'm seeking your help. I'm working on the conclusion of a book I've spent two and a half years writing on Sicily, called, 'A captive land: Sicily and its unfinished business.' I've been trying to find out if Bruno Piazzese got his disco up again in Siracusa. It was torched twice by the mafia and the Ministry of Justice asked him to restore it for a third time, but with government funding. The construction was at an end because of a dispute over non-payment of contractors and I would like to know if the matter was ever resolved and the disco completed. I stayed in Sicily for ten months while I was mulling over the book. Congratulations on your relocation. Have you ever read Charlotte Bronte's Villette. Her character, Lucy, was a language teacher too but relocated in France. Fabulous book. You should have a look at it. It may inspire you. Best wishes. MRL

  5. Hi, Gleds. It's broccoli romano. Hi, Carmen. Glad you think so! Hi, lakeviewer and well done. Most of the books of Sicilian proverbs I have give them in italian as well. Very interesting, MaryRose. I'm afraid I can't help at the moment as I just don't have time. I'll reread Villette, though.

  6. My Sicilian Grandmother used a saying when i was growing up but i never saw it in writing my. My dad remembers the saying vividly, as it was used a lot, but does know the correct spelling. Can anyone help me out?
