
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The Scirocco had stopped blowing, the sun was out and there were five empty tables outside the Fagione Bar at 3pm.  So I stopped to have an ice cream - I'm on the ice cream diet - at one of them and there I was, minding my own business and  enjoying the whole strawberries in the gelato di fragola , when an elderly gentleman drew up the chair opposite me, without so much as a "Posso?" or "Buona sera."  I did wonder why, when there were four free tables, he had to come and sit at an occupied one but my meditation was cut short when he raised his walking stick in order to lay it across the table and, in doing so, bashed me over the head with it.
"Sorry, I didn't see you", said he, breezily. 

Now, I know that it is the fate of all womankind to become invisible to men at a certain age, but he could hardly have failed to register my presence at all!  I just said it was OK and went on eating my ice cream but then he lit up a cigarette, which annoyed me more than the walking stick incident.  I took my ice cream to another table but am still fuming that I had to be the one to move.
It did occur to me that perhaps he had sight problems but I stopped feeling charitable when he clearly recognised his friend who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.  When I left the bar, this second gentleman followed me and asked me for the price of a cup of coffee.  You may imagine, reader, what I said to that.


  1. Oh no! That was more than rude, criminally negligent in my book. On another note, the ice cream diet sounds great.

  2. What a rude (expeltives deleted) person

  3. Anonymous12:57 am

    "The ice cream diet". Hmmm. I may give it a try. But can I just check first: is it for losing weight, for putting it on, or perhaps just for having fun? But whole strawberries in ice cream? I may need to move to Sicily, but then you may need to share a table with me.

  4. Must have been the Sirocco winds. They are said to turn normal people barney!

  5. How rude! I would have accidently knocked is walking stick on the ground and when he went to pick it up move the table so his head was under it and when he came up he would bump it...I BAD.


  6. What a story - beautifully told - very evocative and vivid. What charmers...!

  7. Can't believe that man. Nor his friend. Too bad there wasn't a strawberry icecream "accident".

  8. Hi, lakeviewer. The ice cream diet is great but you don't lose any weight! Quite so, jams. Hi, Andrew. Well, I think it's for having fun! Yes, whole strawberries and slices of fresh pineapple in the ananas ice cream, too. It would be a pleasure to share a table with you. I never thought of that, Scintilla! That's what I should have done, Lucia! Thanks, Amethyst. I never thought of that, Bev! My thought exactly, Kathleen.

  9. That first part wa funny until your discovery...what a jerk! Thought men over there were more gracious in public, but maybe not?

  10. Yes, a real jerk! Don't worry - most men over here aren't like him, Pink!
