
Sunday, May 16, 2010


I did not have a good day yesterday:  the Scirocco was raging so I sulked because I couldn't put any washing out, my container plants were not only having to put up with me, but with being blown over every five minutes and, although the temperature was 29 C, I felt cold.   I brought two of the plants in for the night but the ungrateful things decided to sulk as well so tonight they will just have to grin and bear it.

They are not the only things to fall over, though, as, entering the greengrocer's yesterday afternoon,  I fell flat on my face. I'm not hurt but am achey and it's true that, the older you get, the more a fall shakes you up. The greengrocer and his assistant were very kind, helping me up and getting me a chair and water. But oh, the sheer indignity of it!

Then the newsagent - the same one that does not stock ice cream in the bar - had run out of carrier bags and that was enough to put me back into  a bad mood.  Perhaps I am particularly tetchy when I go in there because of the ice cream situation but when I spend 20 euros on newspapers and magazines, I don't think it's unreasonable to want a bag to carry them home in.

But then came solace as, the Scirocco having blown me along to another bar, I discovered  an ice cream called biscottino.  This not only has biscuits atop, but in it , and of course, purely in the interest of blog research for you, dear reader,  I had to try it:


  1. You are, indeed, incredibly kind, to sacrifice yourself and try this ice cream on our behalf. I like that about you.

    I'm glad to hear that you survived the fall. At our age ( and I am far older than you ), falls are not a good thing!

  2. after all that you deserve ice cream! I fell last Tuesday too in the subway station, it was raining and I slipped on the was more my dignity then anything else that was hurt. Take care! And eat all the ice cream you want!

  3. I'm sorry for the fall; these can be painful and atrocious at a certain age. Thank you for doing ice cream research for us. We appreciate.

  4. Imust taste biscottino! I can almost beel the tecture of that biscuit on my tongue! Yum!

    Scirocco? I don't think I have previosly considered how close Sicily is to North Africa. I jusr looked at Google world and at the shortest point, Sicily and Tunisia are only about 150 apart.

    Some history I've never read: did Muslims conquer Sicily in the Middle Ages? If not, did they attelpt to invade?

    THanks for getting my brain working at 12:40 AM!

  5. WOW! This ice cream would also have the power to soothe my feelings...I'm sorry that you fell. It's great that people helped you up. I hope you've recovered with no bruises. Wishing you safe and sunny days.

  6. Hi Pat

    I do hope that you are feeling a lot better now :-)

    Here now in WHSmiths, you have to pay for carrier bags, in fact a lot of places are doing this.. I carry a small bag with me, just incase.
    Take care xx
    I love the sound of the icecream .. now is biscottino a chocolate biscuit or plain?

  7. I left you an award on my blog today...enjoy your ice cream!

  8. Oh dear you did have a bad day, hope you are feeling better. Envious of the 29C even if it was accompanied by the Sirocco.

  9. That wind was terrible!!! I had to throw a three year old bday party and pray that the giochi gonfiabile wouldn't blow away (almost did once). Glad you found the perfect gelato to cheer you up though. I had cupcakes and ice cream sundays, not so sofisticated as yours, but still did the trick :)!

  10. Hi, Carmen. Yes, so self-sacrificing of me! Falls these days seem to put my whole body out of alignment. Still, I was lucky. Hi, Lucia. Oh, a fall in rainy weather is horrible. I do sympathise. Thanks for your good wishes. Thanks, lakeviewer. Always willing to do yummy research for my readers! Hi, Nick. Yes, we are incredibly near to N Africa. Yes, the Arabs invaded in 827 AD and ruled till 1061. They had a great Court at Palermo and there was a time when people of all religions lived side by side in peace there. The Arabic influence remains in some place names and in some of the foods they brought to Sicily. Hi, Claudia. You arre very thoughtful and I appreciate your good wishes. Hi, Anne. Yes, better, thanks, though my neck still hurts. I must have cricked it when I fell. Fancy WHS charging for carriers! I do usually have a small shopping bag with me but on Sat I didn't. Hi again, Lucia and thanks for the award. That has cheered me up! Thanks, LindyLouMac. I appreciate your good wishes. Windy and cold tonight! Hi, Lost. I'm glad your giochi didn't blow away! Sundaes and cupcakes sound just the job...

  11. now that ice cream does look good :-) glad your ok after your fall x

  12. The biscottino looks like it may have come to the rescue!

  13. Hello Pat,
    I do hope you are recovering from your fall and are consuming lots of ice cream to heal your wounded pride, but do take care.
    Are you still using a stick?
    Mind you, they are not always easy to use when you have lots of shopping to do!

  14. Ow, Welshcakes! But, happy - at least - that it was only your dignity that was injured. Take care e buon appetito! A x

  15. Thanks, Sally.x It definitely did, Michelle. Hi, Trubes. No, I discarded the stick a long time ago. Thanks for your good wishes. Thanks, Amethyst. Yes, only my dignity!
