Match the Sicilian proverbs or idioms 1 - 10 with their meanings a - j. The answers are right below where it says, "Highlight below for answers" - yes, they are there!
1. Ricotta e meli, màncianni vulinteri.
2. Pane e furmaggiu, nè prudu nè dammaggiu.
3. Nun c'è tavula senza vinu, né predica senza Agustinu.
4. Non c'è megghiu sarsa di la fami.
5. Cu mancia fa muddicchi.
6. Çircari 'i puorri.
7. Pani e paraisu vo' siri varagnatu.
8. Siri 'na carrua anfurnata.
9. Cogghìri l'uogghìu sùpra o màccu.
10. Jornu cortu, pisci longu; jornu longu, pisci curtu.
a. To be like a baked carob pod [ie., to be as thin as a rake].
b. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs [literally, "if you eat you make crumbs"].
c. Go look for leeks [ie., to make excuses].
d. Bread and cheese won't do you any good but they won't do you any harm either.
e. Short days, long fish; long days, short fish [ie., you should eat long fish in winter and short fish in summer].
Wedding Destinations in Sicily
1 week ago
Just back from the market, Welshcakes, so ca tombe bien!
1)h 2)d 3)i 4)f 5)b 6)c 7)j 8)a 9)g 10)e
Yum, delicious! Thank you et bon ouillequende.
Regarding the long fish, short fish idea, is that true in Sicily? I suppose sardines are more of a summer dish? Summer=salmon over here which I'd classify as a long fish.
The St. Augustine one was a bit of a giveaway.
Hmmmmm... Very few of my sermons mentioned Saint Auggie.
Just how many proverbs are there is Sicily?
Amazing how many of these sayings are pretty similar in any culture. Liked the broad beans though..,.
10 sur dix comme toujours, chère Phidelm. Amitiés. As I don't eat fish, I don't take much notice of it, so I don't know, WW. I'll find out. I suppose it was, James! Hi, Nick. Enough for this series to run and run! Hi, Mutley. I like the broad bean one, too.
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