
Monday, September 08, 2008


That's what this dish turned out to be, though I say it myself and it is a trionfo brought to you much later than planned, tonight. My keyboard has gone funny, acting as though it is encypted or something. Yes, I know I have pressed some silly button, but I don't know which! All advice welcome. [Doing this now on the older, slower computer.] Back to the dish, which is from Claudia Roden's Arabesque so I can't give you the copyright recipe, but I can describe it! Basically the dish consists of chicken pieces cooked slowly in a sauce containing ginger and saffron. There is something homely and comforting about the aroma of chicken cooking with saffron, you know.
I have 3 other reasons - or excuses - for including this dish here:
1. Those are my very own bashed olives in there! [I didn't grow the olives, but I sure bashed and preserved them!]
2. I have prepared Middle Eastern preserved lemons many times, but did not get around to it this week. So I chucked in some lovely strips of Sicilian green lemons and they made a very good substitute indeed.
3. CR suggests adding frozen artichoke hearts and, as these are readily available here, I did. You sort of tuck them below the chicken and sauce and they are an extra surprise!


  1. Looks fantastic!

  2. That does sound delicious! Um - what are bashed olives?

  3. That's what this dish turned out to be, though I say it myself and it is a trionfo brought to you much later than planned, tonight.

    Just as a matter of interest, how much later, sweet Welshcakes? :)

  4. Thanks, cb and dragonstar. Well, you bash the olives a bit before curing them. Oh, just a few hours, dear James.

  5. Mmm! looks tasty as usual :-)

  6. Another delicious looking recipe for our enjoyment.

  7. Sounds like a yummy dish. I agree saffron and chicken very comfy.

    Off the subject. I don't write responses but I am one of your daily readers. Sicily is very close to my heart. I have some questions regarding the school in which you teach.
    I have been unable to link to your school to get onto its website (in spite of clicking onto the hypertext presented in your blog). I am seriously interested in going to Sicily at the end of this year for approximately 4 weeks to study and experience life in Sicily.
    I've also been considering the city of Aspra which is located just east of Palermo. I know from the pics and literature Modica is swathed in charm not certain of Aspra. One of my reasons for considering Aspra is because it is nearer the birthplace of my paternal grandparents which is Camporeale, and also to Alessandra della Rocca my maternal grandparents' birthplace.
    The shool in Aspra has an easily accessible website and provides info on tuituion, class schedules,and housing possibilities.
    Can you tell me about the school in Modica? Is it easy to get to Modica? Would I fly into the airport in Catania? If so what means of transportation would I take to get to Modica? These are the questions I asked via email but have not received a response as yet. I don't mean to put you on the spot but if you can be of any assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much,

  8. It certainly looks good enough to eat.

  9. Cherrypie, jmb and Liz - many thanks.

    Dear yborchild,
    I am honoured to know that you are a regular reader and thank you for commenting here. I am delighted to give you some information about the school: We are situated in the modern, Sorda area of Modica and you can get a bus easily from this area to Modica Bassa and Modica Alta, the older parts of the town. Modica is very beautiful, unspoiled by tourism and has kept its traditions.
    It really is better to fly into Catania to reach us as Palermo is a 5-hour bus ride away. I don't know where you would be flying from but there are direct flights from the UK or you can change at Rome, Milan or Pisa to get a flight into Catania. From the airport, there is an efficient and direct bus service to Modica run by the AST company. A taxi from the airport to Modica would cost about 130 euros but if you were arriving on the same day as other students that cost could be shared among you. We could let you know about this.
    We can tailor a course to your needs and I will be putting the prices of our courses on the blog within the next couple of days.
    We are updating our website at the moment and I'm sorry you have had difficulty contacting the school.
    Please don't heaitate to email me at if you have any other queries. Hope to see you in Modica. Auguri, WCL.
