
Sunday, September 07, 2008


Serious stuff tonight, folks, as yet again I need to decide how to redeem my supermarket card points! A new "gift" catalogue was thrust into my hands as I left the establishment yesterday and ever since then I have been pondering [not that the bedcover I ordered last time has yet appeared - there is a notice apologising for the delay in the delivery of "gifts" and we are assured they will arrive within 6 months, as required by Italian law]. There is the best part of a year to go before the current catalogue expires but, as I have over 2000 points already, a girl might as well be prepared!
Well, the first item to catch my eye is one of those friezes for a child's room, from which you can hang things. This one has Winnie the Pooh motifs! Yes, I am well aware that I am 58, not 8, but to see such a thing might cheer me up in the mornings [which takes some doing!]
Next up, at 3000 points plus 16 euros is a spaghetteria [special pot for cooking spaghetti]. I can, of course, cook spaghetti in an ordinary saucepan like everybody else but here we are talking about the Ritz Hotel of spaghetterie: it is made of stainless steel and is elongated, so that you can lay the spaghetti down in it immediately, has a gadget for measuring the salt [though I'd probably just chuck it in anyway, as always] and a lid which doubles as a drainer. The problem would be storage space for the thing.
Then there are various pretty terracotta pans, starting at 1500 points. Again, the problem would be storage.
If I were to save 4000 points and pay 28 euros, I could have an electric pizza maker. There would be storage problems here, too, and I don't think I would use it that often. Besides, I would probably be wanting the oven on for other dishes when I did use it and you must remember that we can only use 3 kw of electricity at a time here.
There is a battery-operated parmesan grater for 1750 points, but I usually use my procesor for this job, and a very elegant ice bucket for 3750 [or 2750 plus 16 euros]. Elegance always appeals!
For 1000 points I could have an antipasto server set consisting of heart-shaped little dishes on a sort of "lazy Susan" wheel and a glass teapot - very elegant - for 750. Oh! And a set of really pretty cheese plates for 1250.
Hmmm... Winnie the Pooh still tempts... What do you think, readers?


  1. Hm. You have a lot of decisions - I dont know what the situation is like with inflation where you are, but I've just been writing a book about how to save money at a supermarket and one of the pointers is to use the points collected to pay for a big celebration - for example if you have a 30th coming up, you can get all the food and wine on it and it won't cost you a penny... Being very conscious of how much I dont have in my bank account, I am using my points for big shops in this way to help stretch my finances further.

    Another person I know uses their points to buy really nice presents for people that she otherwise could not afford.

    I know it's more boring than the creme de la creme (or crema) of spaghetti boilers, but ... needs must and all that!

  2. Hello, mermaid of moorgate and welcome to my blog. Sadly, there is no option like that in the catalogue, though it is a very good idea. You can donate your points to a charity, however.

  3. I can see the appeal of Winnie the Pooh, though I decidedly prefer the E. H. Shepard illustrations to the Disney creatures. But I'm a sucker for pretty little bowls and dishes, particularly if they have different shapes (and, of course, cause all sorts of storage problems!)

    The planning is great fun though.

  4. I think I am with you, Winnie the Pooh. You can't see what is just behind me in my room, it has been making me smile since yesterday. Not Winnie, but along the same lines ;-)

    I am easily pleased!

  5. Anonymous1:07 am

    Oh go for Winnie , why not be 8 at heart and be true to your honey monster lol

  6. Don't fancy any of those things so I would save my points for the moment. I hate these reward systems, why don't they just reduce prices on the goods they sell? Loyalty is gained by good service, good merchandise and good prices. We all know you pay extra for those reward things.

  7. No choice: it has to be Winnie the pooh.

  8. Spaghetteria.

    Its something that you might use on a regular basis and thus improve your life the most. Well that's what I'd choose.

    I'm awaiting a new nvidia graphics card delivery (which you know is Spanish for "envy") so I still have to come up with some justification to my wife but I can't make pasta with it... Did that help?

  9. Wow 'Mermaid', has found the way to my friend Welshcake's site..'Welcome', she said cheekily!

    I too would go for the Pasta Pan Welshcakes as I cook loads of it!

    Love to you are Simi,


  10. you certainly don't need battery powered for Parmesan cheese. Think of the environment..!

  11. ps there was a Radio 4 feature on Parmesan only yesterday. It was labelled King of cheeses ~ & no shadow of a doubt!

  12. The antipasto for sure with those Conad points. Say hello to Giorgio for me.

  13. Hi, dragonstar. Agree with you re the planning! Cherrypir, you must post a pic of this for us!
    Valeys mam, we think alike! Hi, jmb. Yes, I know they are not "giving" me anything, but the catalogue brightens my day. Great minds, Liz. Immensely, Wolfie and thank you. Ciao, Trubes and love to you all. xx Good poine, Gleds. Oh, how I still long for R4! I will, indeed, James x.

  14. We have that sort of thing here, too, and I wish there were a Winnie the Pooh thingy - I'd get it for Eden. And I wouldn't need the electric parmessan grater as I'd just eat chunks of it anyway! Yummy! So, I vote for the little bowls. Or save the points for something later.

  15. I'd go for the Winnie the Pooh.. but saying that, I have one of those spaghetti pans and it is fantastic - absolutely one of my favourite purchases ever - saying that though, it does take up a fair bit of space.

  16. Hi, Leslie. Yes, the little dishes are tempting. Hi, cb. I must say it is very tampting.

  17. OK :-) just remind me if I forget, I need to take the photo in daylight!

  18. Winnie il Pooh, certamente
