
Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Here's a dish that I used to make often in the UK and I tried it here for the first time last night. You cannot imagine how much better it tastes made with fresh, Sicilian lemons! Here's what you do:

Squeeze the juice from 4 large lemons, reserving the lemon halves. Put the juice in a bowl, add 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 tablesp. honey and a chopped red chilli pepper or a few chilli flakes if you like. [I used a couple of squirts of my chilli spray.] Season the marinade and mix well. Chuck it over 4 chicken joints which you have put in a roasting dish, add the lemon halves and leave for at least 2 hours, turning the joints now and then. Turn the chicken skin-side up, scatter a few more unpeeled garlic cloves over it and place the dish in an oven heated to 200 C for about an hour.

Chicken cooked in this way tastes almost as good cold as it does hot.


  1. Anonymous2:09 pm

    I like this recipe. Simple, fresh and good. And easy! I want to taste a lemon from Sicily..ahh..some day :)

  2. That looks utterly delicious, I can almost smell the lemons - yum, yum the crisp skin and chilli.

  3. Mmm, sounds good and simple too. And healthy!

  4. As maryann said.."Simple Fresh and good"....sooo tasty...yes the lemons make all the difference!!!

  5. Sounds delicious, I love the lemon and chicken combination :-)

  6. Anonymous10:25 pm

    WL -

    this sounds a stonker of a recipe. What would you serve it with? Buttered noodles, perhaps? Or smashed potatoes? Or maybe a really sexy crusty bread?

  7. OOh that looks great. I can smell the lemon from here.

  8. why am i starving at breakfast time welshcakes...hhmmm... would this class as a breakkie food...giggles, it sure sounds delicious xo

  9. Hi, Maryann. And one day you will! Thanks, Sally. Glad you like it, Liz. Ciao, Anne - yes, they do! Pleased that you, too, like this idea, cherrypie. Thank you, Ludlingtonian. Smashed potatoes are good with this, especially when sprinkled at the last minute with cumin seed. [I love smashed potatoes - so therapeutic bashing them!] Otherwise, yes, really sexy bread and the freshest green salad! Thanks, Mopsa. Ciao, Kyles. Well, I think it might make brunch!

  10. Heaven that's simple enough. No Sicilian lemons though. Californian will have to do.

  11. This looks yummy! I love lemon chicken, but mine always tastes to chickeny. I don't think I marinade it long enough.

  12. This is the sort of food I really like, except I also enjoy the chicken skin which many people leave because it is too fatty. What do they do in Sicily? Do they eat it, or leave it?

  13. That looks and sounds delicious Welshcakes.
    Another idea for the weekend! I love chicken cooked with fruit. I use chicken breasts (bone in) and form a little pocket in the flesh, make a mixture of butter,garlic and coriander, black pepper and lemon zest, then stuff it in the pocket. Wrap in a slice of parma Ham or even smokey back bacon, then cover with juicy orange slices and more coriander, drizzle with olive oil then bake in the oven for about 35mins.
    Ooh, I do love the cookery bits.

    'Barbied' Rump Steak and Garlicky Baby Squid tonight.

    Bon apetite.


    P.S. I've left you a reply to your comments on my last post. Sorry I'm a bit late v.busy family weekend!

  14. I'm sure Californian will be fine, jmb! Ciao, indogo-daisy. I find the 2 hours enough with this but know what you mean by that "too chickeny" taste - maybe it depends on your butcher? [It certainly does here.] Hi, Ellee. Good question about the skin as chicken is usually sold without it here. I have to be very specific when I want it left on [and they all look at me as if I am crazy]! Ciao, Trubes. What a lovely recipe that is and thank you. Love to you and Chloe xx

  15. Your oven gets a hell of a workout, Welshcakes.

  16. Wonder how long it takes to fly to Sicily , looks and sounds delicious. I'll make that this weekend, Thank you Welshcakes.

  17. Hi, James. That's what it's there for! Ciao, nunyaa. I don't know about the flight times from where you are, but about 3.5 hours from London on a direct flight.
