
Monday, May 05, 2008


We do work hard over at the School but we are also always happy to find a reason to celebrate! Today is Cathy the owner’s birthday, so students sang “Happy Birthday” in English to her, Paola, the Italian teacher and secretary made a lovely crostata [tart], champagne was drunk and I took along a bottle of the quince liqueur I made in the autumn. [The manager of the Altro Posto kindly kept it chilled for us until we were ready at 8.30 pm.] Cincin, Cathy! I would like to thank you here for giving me the opportunity to teach with you and for making my day to day working life such a pleasant one.

If you would like an unusual and interesting holiday this year, why not come and learn Italian at the English International School? I guarantee that you will have fun! Please click here for more details.


  1. Looks like you all had a great time, lots of smiles...I like that necklace you are wearing :-)

  2. Sounds like fun to be able to celebrate your boss's birthday with champagne and quince liqueur! Hope it was at the end of the class so you could "let loose." (Now there's a good expression for your students!)

  3. Many thanks, nunyaa. The necklace was one of those lucky "finds", at a Cardif Xmas Market stall, long ago: I'm hopeless like that - I buy costume jewellery that appeals to me, THEN look for an outfit to go with it! [I think a "normal person" would do it the other way round!] Ciao, Leslie. Yes, right at the end of class so we did!

  4. Looking sharp, Welschcakes. It looks like a fun celebration and letting off a little steam is not such a bad thing.

  5. I went to an American International school for a semester in Firenze years ago. Can't say I remember a lot of Italian, but it was enough to get around when we went back to visit the summer before last.

    How fun to celebrate, although I prefer red wine to champagne. The Quince liqueur does sound quite good though.

  6. Wonderful celebrations!!!

    I thought it was a "School" then was surprised to read it had an "owner"!!! No wonder your italian students get confused :-),

    How kind of the Altro Posto manager, they all seem like a friendly lot of people. :-)

  7. Anonymous11:58 am

    Quince liquor sounds tasty!! I have a new job at last!! Did Imention that already?

  8. what a lovely celebration, we should take time out to celebrate things more over here... your quince liqueur sounds delicious...happy birthday Cathy indeed!

  9. Sounds like great fun! Is Cathy English? She must be with a name like that!

  10. Looks like you were all having great fun :-)

  11. Thanks, jmb. Yes, it does good to let off a little steam and the students like it because it makes for a positive atmosphere. Ciao, indigo-daisy. Sounds like you had a great time in Florence. I can't drink red wine any more but champers and liqueurs go down well ! Btw, I am going to put your lovely stamp in the side-bar; just need the time to do it! Hi, Anne. It's a private language school and we teach students of all ages. That action of the AP manager is just one of those little kindnesses you encounter every day in Italy and especially in Sicily. Mutley, no, you didn't and I am so pleased for you! xx Hi, Kyles. Cathy will be delighted to receive your good wishes. Thank you. x Hi, Liz. No, Australian. Hi, cherrypie. We had a really great time.

  12. ...of course... she's an aussie gal! she has impeccible taste in friends... grins xo

  13. I hope Cathy appreciates all your hard work and talents too Welshcakes. I'm glad you all celebrated Cathy's birthday, it is a special day.

  14. Hi, Kyles. I'll tell Cathy to have a look at this comment, which I'm sure she'll love. Hi, Ellee. Yes, she works hard for everyone and deserves a treat.

  15. Blue is definitely your colour WL

  16. Glad you had a good time Welshcakes!
