
Sunday, May 04, 2008


Tonight I need to direct your attention away from Sicily and towards the UK, if I may: I urge you to read this, by my fellow Blog-Powerer Caum Carr, regarding NHS [National Health Service] treatment there. To give you a little background, Calum’s wife suffers from anorexia; that does not render her unintelligent, incapable of sustaining relationships or a non-person, yet she is being treated as if she is all those things.

Some of you will know that I had a run-in with the NHS during my mother’s last illness, and the last thing you need at such a time is to be regarded as an idiot or not to be believed. So Calum’s story strikes at my heart. Why, oh why, I have been asking myself since 1993, is it seemingly “OK” if you break your leg, because everyone can see the wound and the plaster, but if you are elderly or suffering within your very soul, you are suddenly not even worthy of respect, let alone proper attention?

I have to say that I do not think that this would happen in Italy. I hope I am right.

Calum , I feel for you and Mrs Carr and will do all in my power to help you.


  1. WL

    You are gem!!!!!

  2. I'm sure Calum appreciates your support Welshcakes, even though you can't really help from so far away.

    It makes one very angry to read about such inhumane treatment of one person by another, worse since they are supposed to be in a caring profession.

  3. sending my positive thoughts to Mrs C, how shameful that we don't look after those of us who need care for mental health issues with the dignity and regard they deserve, i hope your world improves Mrs C, and hang in there Calum, how wonderful you are to be fighting this fight with Mrs C, best wishes xo

  4. I hope that Calum and his wife can find peace and help..

    Oh yes I know all about the NHS...trying to find help for my son was a sister not getting the help she needed and the treatment of my little neighbour was appalling...

    OH I AM SO ANGRY!!!!

  5. I don't think this would ever happen in Canada, either, as anorexia is recognized as a very serious illness. I read about Calum's wife over on his site and was appalled at the treatment she was receiving. I hope they can resolve this and get her the appropriate treatment she both needs and deserves.

  6. Hi, jmb. Yes, inhumane is the word. I'm sure Calum will appreciate your kind thoughts, Kyles. Anne, I share your anger. It is a terrible situation. It's a relief to learn that this would not happen in Canada, either. I share in your good wishes for Calum and his family.

  7. Everyone


    We do appreciate your thoughts and actions. Thanks to all.

    There is such kindness around.

  8. Hi, Calum. I am glad that you are finding kindness here. Believe me, we are all thinking of you both.

  9. Having had to deal with mental health issues on a personal level, I understand how serious a problem this is. I can't imagine though that someone could suggest a person not have a relationship. That is insane. My thoughts and prayers are with this family.

  10. The hospital system here is Australia in also fast going down hill. Simply because of the lack of resources (trained professionals and life saving equipment).

    A friend of mine who is a doctor once told me, that when you visit the hospital or a specialist and are given advice, you must take it. (Whether it be stop smoking, medication requirements, losing weight, etc) If you do not, you go onto the bottom of the list in regards to 'Care Factor'. Meaning ... if you don't care about yourself then why should the medical system.

    But what the Medical profession does not realize that many people with pschological or age related problems need special care. Their situation is not normal.

    Life can be so difficult.

    I read your mothers story, it was very moving. It was so touching that she bought the ring for you, even at the end parents continue to think of their children. Your mother and you went through an awful ordeal at the end. May she rest in peace.

    I wish Callum and his wife strength and peace to recover from their ordeal.

  11. Indigo.daisy, thank you. I am sure your thoughts will help Calum and his family. Ardent, thank you for reading my mother's story as well. Isn't it dreadful that in this day and age there is so little understanding of these matters? I'm sure your kind thoughts will help Calum and his family.

  12. Yes, it is a tragic story, and I am sure Calum appreciates your support. I have visited his site and left a comment. I hope there will be some improvement soon and Mrs Carr will get the help she needs.

  13. Ellee, I'm sure we all join you in that hope.

  14. Ongoing suffering is the worst. This is amazing treatment from a bureaucracy known for such treatment.

    I had better treatment today from another bureaucracy but it was not the NHS. Deepest sympathy, Calum.

  15. Jmaes, agree re ongoing suffering. Calum and his wife are in my thoughts all the time, as are you.
