
Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I know I keep saying that the friendships you make through blogging are amazing but I do believe it's true: this morning this lovely, clever fridge magnet from Anne arrived and nothing could have cheered me up more. She made it herself and I do envy really creative people. Thank you, Anne.

Leslie has a meme which I found interesting; you have to answer each question with one word only, so here goes:

Where is your mobile phone? Somewhere!
Your significant other? Dog
Your hair? Colourneedy
Your mother? Saintly
Your father? Generous
Your favourite thing? Reading
Your dream last night? Forgettable
Your favourite drink? Cointreau
Your dream/goal? Security
The room you’re in? Booklined
Your ex? Bastard!
Your fear? Dementia
Where do you want to be in six years? Around!
Where were you last night? Home
What you’re not? Conventional
Muffins? Yep!
One of your wish list items? Emerald
Where you grew up? Didn't!
The last thing you did? Cooked
What are you wearing? Lipstick!
Your TV? Off
Your pets? Family
Your computer? Misbehaving
Your life? Busy
Your mood? Changeable
Missing someone? Often
Your car? What?
Something you’re not wearing? Glasses
Favourite Store? Rinascente
Your summer? Hot!
Like someone? Umm...
Your favourite colour? Blue
When is the last time you laughed? Today
Last time you cried? Yesterday

I don't tag but will be glad to read you if you want to do this meme.


  1. I found that interesting and have to dash off to work but will do this as soon as I get home, which I hope wont be long :-)

  2. I'll come back and answer this one on Friday :)

  3. Look forward to reading your answers, nunyaa, for you are always interesting. Crushed, I'm sure you will have an original slant on it too! xx

  4. I'm so glad Anne's gift arrived and it is beautiful indeed.

    Great job with the meme. I'll have to put this away and think about it.

  5. Glad you enjoyed doing this meme, Welsh...I thought it was thought-provoking. you're "only" wearing lipstick??? I'll look the other way. lol

  6. ok, count me in...i'm in a minimalist mood, so one word answers suit me just fine....giggles xo

  7. All done and posted :-)

  8. Hi Welsh, I've been out and about, not posting, but reading your blog all along. I'm in New Jersey getting ready to see my son off to the middle east so I hope to be more responsive when I get home. Plus, one of my dear friends has been in intensive care all week with a poor prognosis (brain cancer)I'm really distraught not being by her side.

  9. What a dear little fridge magnet.
    The meme was interesting little things we know now. Thank you.

  10. Haha I like your answers Welshcakes. And what a fun cake!

  11. Hi, jmb. Yes, Anne and I are both glad! [she has sent this package at least 3 times, for those of you who do not know.] Would love to know your answers to this meme. Ciao, Leslie. Thanks for the idea. Now that would be telling! Ah, I'm sure Anne would send you one too, Lil Jimmy! Looking forward to your answers too, Kyles. Will be over after supper, nunyaa. Hi, pinl. Was wondering if you were OK. It must be a very emotional time for you and I am so sorry about your friend. Thanks, kissa.

  12. What a wonderful present :-) I will get round to that list and post soon :-)

  13. Anonymous1:44 am

    The colour of your hair is popular among many busy ladies, WL - worry about it not!

  14. Thanks, cherrypie and Book Owl xx

  15. Thanks, cherrypie and Book Owl xx
