
Thursday, May 08, 2008


My "fairy godmother" friend, who always knows what to say and do, arrived today, bearing roses [the pink one at the back smells sublime] more grapefruits and lemons, the very thin, leafy celery that we get here and lettuces from her garden.

I love Cavatieddi pasta and this plate of the wonderful stuff, served with a tomato, cream and ham sauce was just what I needed at the Altro Posto at lunchtime. Somehow a dish of this pasta smells so inviting and homely. Such a pretty dessert again, too ; the arrival of anguria [water melon ] has always symbolised summer for me in Italy.

Sadly and shamefully, another kind of smell greets one in the streets these days; the refuse collectors are on strike - for the quite valid reason that they have not been paid - and so the bins are overflowing. Let's hope we avoid a Napoli situation!

This week - what's new? - the Water Office are not answering the phone again!

Here's hoping you all have a "fairy godmother" friend in your lives, readers.


  1. How lovely to have a fairy godmother :-)

    I am sure that more than makes up for the water irritations!

  2. That pasta looks interesting and I'm wondering just what it's made from.

    Very pretty dessert, but I'm afraid I'm not one for melons - of any kind.

    I sure hope you DON'T end up like Napoli. I still recall the trash at the sides of the highway as we bypassed the city. Everywhere else in Italy it was SO clean!!!

  3. Roses are beautiful, I love them. Fruit looks scrumptious, as for the fairy god mother, I have a fair handsome prince instead LOL :-)

  4. Yes WL I hope that you don't end up like Napoli...shame it has too happen at all.

    I love pasta...not to keen on a creamy sauce...the dessert looks tasty!!!

    Your fairy godmother friend was very thoughtful!!!

  5. oh those roses look divine, how lovely to have a fairy godmother... i'd love someone like that! one of the things i love about your blog is the way you describe how lovely all the food, etc smells, sometimes i can almost smell it you descibe it so well. so knowing your keen sense of smell, lets hope they pay the refuse collectors real soon. Mmmmm... melons, oh i miss summer!

  6. Being at the mercy of the water department must be really nerve-wracking. It makes me realize how lucky those of us who get water at the turn of a tap have it. Hope someone at the water office answers that phone soon! Good luck, WL!

  7. Hi, cherrypie. Yes, it does! Hi, Leslie. Usual HARD durum wheat that you find in the south. The cream used here is much lighter than that used in the UK, and, I imagine, in the US. Ciao, nunyaa. Where'd you find him, where'd ypou find him??! Fed up with kissing frogs. Hi, Anne. I think you'd like this creamy sauce [see above]. Kyles, very kind of you to say so. You do cheer me up! Thanks, flutter-by. Auguri xx

  8. Oh Welshcakes it's a long story, I shall tell you one day :-)

  9. I do, if I can count you. :)

    The rose is beautiful, the refuse not. Hope the water sorts itself out at least temporarily.

  10. I have visions of a whole country grinding to a halt...

    Sorry I never got round to that meme.. It is on my to do list, promise!

    I wish I had a fairy godmother...

  11. I look forward to that, nunyaa. Of course you can , dear James. Rubbish collected and water came yesterday! Hi, Crushed. Well, not yet - not the entire country, that is! I'm sure you have a fairy godmother !

  12. Agreed a fairy godmother is a thing to treasure!
