
Thursday, April 10, 2008


The weather in this part of Sicily is strange at the moment, reader, and even the locals say so. On Monday and Tuesday we had a warm temperature [24 C or so] but oddly darkened skies and a wind. The latter was the Scirocco, which blew the sand from Tunisia across and, being asthmatic, I found this air not particularly good for me. However, today the sky has been beautifully blue and the lunchtime temperature in the via Sacro Cuore was 32 C - a sure sign of summer. There has been high humidity to accompany this, though, so everyone has been complaining and saying that they don't feel like doing anything, which is just what they say at the height of summer; I am convinced, as I've said before, that the Sicilians talk about the weather almost as much as the British!

I always feel nostalgic towards the middle of April so here is Gianni for you:

Gianni Morandi - C'era un ragazzo


  1. Well the Vancouverites talk about the weather all the time too, because it changes on us so much.
    Today, walking for a hour, we had sun, cloud, rain, cloud sun again. I had no umbrella and a wool jacket so everything including my hat just got drenched, then dried out again! Sigh!
    I enjoyed Gianni.

  2. It is warmer here today....but those winds are still very strong...had a hard job cycling home from work today ;-)

  3. Weather is a constantly changing subject of conversation - not like for those poor souls who only get climate!

  4. Ooh I say ,Gianni is rather gorgeous Welshcakes. God was certainly kind when he constructed the Italian men, don`t you think.... Lovely song too !

    Hope you and Simi are well, the weather is crazy here at present. I went out in sunshine, this morning and returned home, in thunder, lightening, gales...oh and hailstones.
    I`d just been to the Hairdressers too....Rats !

    Just posted another little yarn on my blog.


    Love from Chloe too. She's lying in a shaft of sunshine on our Bed with sunbeams tickling her tummy..It`s a grand life being a cat !

  5. We had rain then sleet this morning, followed by clouds and now bright sunshine. What do you mean us Brits talk about the weather all the time ;-)

  6. Vancouver sounds like Britain, weather-wise, jmb! Glad you liked Gianni. Hi, Anne. Did you have any snow in your area this week? Take care! Agree, dragonstar - there's weather and then there's climate! Ciao, Trubes. Glad you like Gianni too. Italian men - sigh!! Over to your blog in a mo. Love to Chloe from Simi and me - we think it must be a great life being YOUR cat! xx Ciao, cherrypie. I was trying to explain to some students how changeable Brit weather is just this morning and they looked at me as though I was mad!

  7. Only towards the middle of April, Welshcakes?

  8. Hi, James. Well, no - ever the melancholy one, me!
