
Saturday, January 19, 2008


Grumpily grappling with the difficulties of small town life this morning, chief among these being poorly -routed public transport, I was uttering some choice expressions under my breath as I trudged back from the supermarket and was beeped at every two minutes: "Where do you bloody well expect me to walk when there's no goddamn pavement?!" I wanted to yell. Then I just gasped in amazement at the sight of this precocious almond blossom. It was almost worth nearly getting run over and being beeped at again as I took the photo!


  1. :) Welsh, you may take comfort in that those 'cavaliere' would not have noticed what you have seen.
    Buona domenica. :)

  2. What a delightful surprise for you. It won't be long till Spring and then the 40 degree summer. Goodness, perish the thought.

  3. How beautiful! Where there's a blossom hope springs eternal. At the moment, my heather is blooming brilliantly and I can hardly wait for the first signs of daffodils and tulips. Won't be long. So glad you didn't get run over! ;D

  4. "Grumpily grappling"

    Like a good wine, Wekshcakes ...

  5. They say everything happens for a reason.

    It is quite an uncomfortable feeling walking along pavementless roads, especially, I find if they go uphill.

  6. With the post-Christmas blues, January is quite definitely the month for being grumpy - so it is such a joy to come across Nature's gifts every so often, like your wonderful Sicilian almond blossom: here in Portugal the winter gloom is brightened by camellias (in town), mimosa (in the woods) and almond blossom in the interior - and, of course, the odd beautiful day (like today, in fact).
    But still, I can't wait for Spring to come...

  7. Almond blossom in January? I know you live in a warmer country, but still . . . When would you normally expect to see it? It's so beautiful.

  8. I thought it was just America where pavements (sidewalks) are considered unnecessary.

  9. WOw blossom in January?...sighs... Ah well, it won't be that long before our garden shows signs of life

  10. In the prison this morning there was one cherry blossom tree just showing the first tiny little flowers!

  11. Hi, Sean. Thanks for that - it has cheered me. Yes, jmb - you can almost feel the heat to come today.
    Lovely thought, Leslie. I so miss daffodils! Very few people know what they are here. James - exactly so... Agree, Crushed. Bad enough on the flat, rough roads here! Luso-anlo-german, how delightful to meet you. Yes, I definitely have the January blues, so sights such as the ones you describe cheer me no end. Hi, dragonstar. Well, there is an almond festival in Feb in Agrigento so any time from then on... Hi, Shades. Well, they are definitely not deemed very necessary in this part of Sicily! Ciao, jams. Well, from Feb on the almond blosson is wonderful. I'm sure you are going to delight us with lots of garden photos soon! Liz - "Loveliest of trees, the cherry tree... " and all that xx

  12. Che bella! And you have the orange and lemon blossom to look forward to. The only flowers in my garden now are a Christmas rose which I planted last year (hurrah, even if the other two look rather flat on their faces) one yellow crocus and a couple of snowdrops.

  13. The blossom is making an early spring appearance here too Welshcakes, it looks very pretty.

  14. Hi, Ww. I'm sure your garden looks very pretty. I love yellow crocuses. Ciao, Ellee. You have made me homesick! xx

  15. Anonymous11:05 am

    The image of you muttering under your breath forms and, having met you, causes me to giggle. Well done WL, let it all out!
