
Friday, January 18, 2008


A delightful lunch at the Altro Posto today, consisting of this new creation of theirs of chicken breast cooked in an orange sauce served with a contorno of lightly cooked baby carrots - just what I needed between classes.

This morning a pair of knickers fell from the balcony [a hazard of Italian life]. They hadn't actually been put on the line as they would have been destined for the outdoor drying rack, only they went and escaped from the fold-up part of a fitted sheet. I saw them land on the ground below and, it being a morning when nobody was about and there was no wind, I decided it would be safe to collect them on my way out later - at which juncture they were nowhere to be seen. Where are they, reader?!


  1. Hi Pat, yes that tasty lunch is just what you needed,looks delightful.

    Your "knicker" incident reminds me of when we were on holiday. I didn't dare put mine out on the outdoor drying rack, I wondered how I would get them back from the garden below us, if the wind decided to blow. :-)

  2. Are you sure they were not yours Welshcakes ? Were you "intacto knickero" when you arrived home ?
    Do excuse me, I hope you like my contrived Esperanto Italiano ! He He. xx

  3. Ciao, Anne. I learnt long ago that in Italy you just have to accept maybe running after your clothes the next morning! Oh, definitely "intacto", Trubes! xx

  4. Imagine them having these baby carrots in Sicily too. I always thought they were special carrots but apparently they machine them that way, can you believe? The sauce sounds great with the chicken. The knickers are a mystery, you need to have your name on them like boarding school so they can be returned. Now imagine how embarrassing that would be.

  5. Hey WCL,

    I'm licking my lips at that chicken dish, sounds yummy, and giggling at the knickers, wonder where they went indeed...hhmmm

  6. That was one thing I found quite intriguing when in Italy - how everyone hangs their laundry out on the balcony to dry. Do they not have dryers there? Or is it just a "culture" thing?

  7. Were they nice knickers? And how are the bread prices over there now?

  8. Maybe the knickers owner saw them fly away and managed to retrieve them before they made a complete escape into the wild blue yonder.

  9. welchcakes;why do I go straight to the fridge after I read your blog?
    The missing knickers! If theywere a pretty pair and someone arrives at your door;Yes!! they are definitely yours. An older not so nice pair; well you never saw them in your life before. I hope that the man who lives near(the not nice one ) isn't sleeping with them under his pillow.

  10. I have been looking for a new chicken taste and this one fits the bill perfectly! Guess who's having chicken tonight ....

  11. Hi, jmb. Didn't realise they cut them that way. Glad I didn't have a name tape on that item! Ciao, Kyles. The chicken dish was one of the nicest I've tasted for some time. I'm still wondering, too! Hi, Leslie. Well, I suppose some people have tumble dryers but they take an awful lot of electricity, don't they? I always dried washing outside in the UK, too, although there are places where you are not supposed to. I much prefer the Italian way - that's what the sun is for! Hi, James. Yes - they were expensive black, lacy ones! Still reports in the papers about bread prices having doubled. Hi, flutterby - but I didn't! Ciao, MM. Yes, they were a nice pair! Haven't seen the not-nice man for a while now. I think his wife must have him under house arrest! Ciao, mountaingirl. Glad you like the look of it.

  12. 'when nobody was about and there was no wind'
    There are only two possible answers and they depend one of these facts changing during the time interval.

    Wing would be the more comforting assumption.

  13. The knickers are a puzzle - but I'll happily help you with your lunch!

  14. Oh no! Did you find them? Maybe they've been taken and are being stored under someone's pillow. Some who is helpful maybe?

  15. Hi, Crushed. You've gone scientific again! Dragonstar, you have yourself a deal! Well , you never know, Liz!

  16. Well I've looked Welshcakes and your knickers didnt show up 'down under' though with the massive winds we are having its a wonder...x

  17. I hope you don't see them being tied around the gate by the water deliverers.

  18. The mind boggles! I did have some stolen from my washing line once, I wonder where they ended up!

  19. Hi, Abbey. Take care in those winds! x Now there's a thought, WW. The water lorry is due tomorrow! Hi, Ellee. I've never had any stolen. I always wonder what kind of person does that.

  20. Anonymous11:02 am

    Imagine opening your front door, somewhere in the same small town, and seeing lacy black flimsies attached to a nearby tree or settling on the car bonnet...and you are a man having an illicit affair...and things have not been going too well lately...could this be your lover's way of making sure your wife knows all...the flimsies do look suspiciously like that expensive pair you bought for your lover last Christmas...what a good thing you've found them before your wife...better pop them in the briefcase (so aptly named) and give them back to your lover...she can have them whatever is going to happen with the affair...probably best to end it all now...though maybe the flimsies will light a new spark...your lover might be persuaded to let you stay...

    Then again, she might slam the door in your face when you turn up with another woman's knickers!

  21. What an imagination you have, Shirl!
