
Thursday, January 17, 2008


Well, it is new to me, at any rate: a semi-hard cheese flavoured with rocket and red peppers. It doesn't seem to have a name, or if it has, it wasn't written on the label and the supermarket employees don't know it. However, if it is an experiment, it is one that meets with my approval!


  1. What is rocket? That's a new one for me. Cheese is my diet downfall....

  2. Looks good, sounds good and is good. What more can you ask of a cheese? Oh it's name, so you can get it again. You'll probably never see it again but if you hated it, you would find it everywhere.

  3. That sounds so delicious. I love cheese, but I'm cow-milk intolerant - and anyway, cheese is so high in calories!

    I've an award for you over on Dragon Days.

  4. Cheese is one of the best inventions in the world, I think. I have never met a cheese I didn't like. What could be better - 2 or 3 lovely cheeses, a nice wine, a selection of good fruit, a sunny day and a garden.

  5. Mmm, that looks delicious, Welshcakes. I would be inclined to combine a piece of it with a chunk of juicy pear,drizzled with balsamic vinegar, combined with an oiled basil leaf and black pepper then wrapped in Proscuitto and baked un the oven until the cheese is almost gooey. Served on a bed of salad leaves with toasted pine nuts, a sprinkling of Virgin Olive Oil and ,of course, (my favourite) Modena Balsamic Vinegar. What do you think Welshcakes ? I`m going to have a look around for that cheese, we have a very good Deli nearby, so they may be able to get some for me.
    Hope you and Simi are well and enjoying better weather, than we are in the UK, it is absolutely awful here. Flood warnings all over the Country!

    Di. xx

    P.S. Chloe says hello to Simi. She`s sniffing around my mug of Hot Chocolate at present, I swear she`d take a little sip if it was cooler, daft Puss. She`s obviously aware that I`m talking to you and has now deposited her "furry form" on my lap whilst I`m posting !

  6. Cheese is my weakness, and I'm pretty confident that this would not disappoint.

  7. Sounds delish...when I am home i try to only eat cottage cheese but here in france my fav is Rocquefort.
    I also like a cheese called mexicano it's a spicy cheese delish melted onto toast.

  8. Anonymous9:12 pm

    I saw the photo and wondered - fish? terrine? never in a long while of thinking would I have come up with cheese. Hope it's good.

  9. Hi, pink. A salad leaf . You may know it as rucola or arugula. Hi, jmb. Yes, if I hated it , it would be ubiquitous! Hi, dragonstar. I'm cow-milk intolerant too, which is why a lot of Italian cheese suits me. Thank you for the award - will be over shortly. Totally agree, flutterby - good, crusty bread, good cheese, fruit and a drink or two - what more could one want? What a delicious idea, Trubes. I will try it. I especially love the combination of pears with cheese. Hope the floods are nowhere near you! Simi sends wags and hugs to Chloe xx Hi, Ellee. I am sure you would love this one! Ciao, Sally. Yes, Roquefort is special. Happy skiing! Ciao, Shirl. I can see that it does look a bit like a terrine. It tastes remarkably good! xx

  10. Sounds great - piquant.

    How's Simi doing?

  11. What a great combination! I looks like a softer sort of cheese - was that the case or do my eyes deceive me? I only ask becuase I have been experimenting with making my own paneer and I can see rocket and red peppers going nicely with it ...

  12. Hi, James. She seems fine in herself and is now taking the tablets from the vet. I do hope they are going to work. She sends wags and a hug and says thanks for asking. xx Hi, mountaingirl. Yes, definitely on the softer side. Will be over to read about how the paneer making is going. Auguri x

  13. Mmm, yes, sounds good.

    The Snowdonia Cheese Company (they have a website) does all sorts of yummy cheeses, including one made with ginger and another with whisky.

  14. Hi, Liz. I like the sound of the cheese with ginger.

  15. It sounds divine Welshcakes...& if MG makes it, then I'm eating it...I am so lucky to have you two... :)

  16. Hi, abbey. I'm sure mg will make a fine version!
