
Sunday, January 20, 2008


I am absolutely terrified of bombole, or gas cylinders, which are often used in Mediterranean countries to power domestic gas. [I just looked them up, by the way, and was surprised to learn that there is an EU colour coding regulation in place, according to the type of gas contained in them - and here I was thinking the manufacturers were just making them prettier!] They are used in this town and on the outskirts a lot, as many dwellings are not yet able to receive metano, or town gas. When I first arrived and was in the little house in Modica Bassa, I was so frightened of the bombola in it that after a few days I gave up any idea of cooking for myself whilst there. [I had never cooked with gas in any way, shape or form, so imagine my dismay when I moved into the flat and realised that everyone has a gas hob, even if they have an electric oven! This fear goes back to my mother having been a bit absent-minded at times and we had a few gas explosions in our house.]

Well, it seems my apprehension has not been without foundation as on Friday night a bombola powering a space heater exploded in the flat of an elderly couple here in Modica. Only because the husband realised that something was wrong and got the thing out onto the balcony on time were they saved. The explosion caused the balcony railings to collapse and the neighbours thought there had been an earthquake tremor.

People use this kind of space heater in their homes because of the energy restrictions I have written about before. [Central heating, if you have it, can only be switched on for 9 hours a day within certain periods, to 19 C, and each dwelling has only 3 kw of electricity.] I am pleased to be able to tell you that I do not freeze in my new place of work, for the boss and secretary make sure my "office" and classrooms are heated, but when one of these bombola heaters is used, reader, I always ask the [adult] students to turn it off at the end of the session!

Mercifully the elderly couple were uninjured.


  1. Oh, I do agree about being terrified of gas. I have only a gas stove top (which I really like) but every time I pass the dang thing I glance to see if it's turned off-all way. Then when I come home I do a sniff test before turning on lights, lol. We have a 250 gallon tank about 5 feet from the house..supposedly, that's with in the regulations! Now that's scary!

  2. Hi WL.

    Thank goodness the elderly couple were unhurt.

    I wouldn't like to use them either. I have only ever cooked with gas. Until I moved into the last house,which had a gas hob built into the work service..and an eye level electric oven (fan assisted) that took some getting used to.

  3. Hi, pink. Yes, that is very scary! When I moved in here and I said I wanted one of those foolproof hobs that couldn't do anything unless you MADE it do it, the kitchen builders thought I was mad! But that's the only way I could have any peace of mind... Ciao, Anne. Yes, I admire the husband's presence of mind. I miss my fan oven! xx

  4. I bought a fancy new place about 6 years ago that had a gas stove (hob) and oven and I was SO nervous every time I turned it on. One time, I tried to turn it on and it kept spitting sparks! I phoned the gas company and they came right out. I can't remember what it was, but it turned out everything was okay. However, I quickly sold that place and moved here where everything is electric! I feel much safer now.

  5. Luckily our gas comes in a pipe, not a cannister. We wouldn't need to be scared of it for we use it for cooking, heating and hot water heating. However, I do have a carbon monoxide detector in the house.

    Those old folks were very lucky thank goodness.

  6. Ahh I know how you feel Welshcakes, we have similar for BBQ's and as it is only Bella and I ...i have to put on a brave face and light the think...but I'm always waiting for the 'bang!'

  7. Anonymous10:41 am

    You would be surprised that many coastal areas in the UK do not have piped gas either and that these gas bombs are still widely used...

  8. No, these would worry me too, isn't thee any alternative?

  9. The poor elderly couple must have had a terrible shock.
    I can't say I feel safe with bottled gas heaters - they are all over the place here (in Portugal) -I must say I've never come across stories of them blowing up, but I've certainly never allowed one in our house...
    Heating sdoes seem to be a problem in many South European countries - in Portugal it certainly is (and, from what you say, in Italy too). Thankfully, we don't have your draconian rules about maximum temperatures - but there does seem to be a generally held assumption that - living in a warmer climate - "we don't need heating". How wrong can you be.

  10. Hi, Leslie. I like everything electric too! But here it is just not possible. I am getting used to it. Hi, jmb. Yes, the old folks were lucky and the man showed great presence of mind. Hi, Abbey. I know how you feel, too! didn't know that, Mutley... Ciao, Ellee. I don't think there is, in certain areas. Hi, luso-anglo-german: Agree totally that there is an attitude of "We don't need heating". I don't know how they can stand it! I will never allow one of those cylinder things into my home, either.

  11. I still won't hold sparklers! Far too dangerous. The ignition on my hob is broken so until I bought one of those gas lighter things I couldn't cook unless there was someone in the house brave enough to use a piece of paper to light it. Scary stuff gas and fires.

  12. Hi, Liz. I won't hold sparklers either and would have reacted in exactly the same way to the hob situation!

  13. Anonymous11:10 am

    With you all the way on this one, WL. I'd rather freeze than have a gas heater with a bombola inside it...and am greatly relieved to be living in an all-electric apartment now.

  14. Hi, Shirl. Yes, I'd feel safer with all-electric but it's just not possible here.
